RE: Moving forward into the past: old technology recycled & free energy for all (The Earth Battery explained)

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Moving forward into the past: old technology recycled & free energy for all (The Earth Battery explained)

in energy •  2 years ago 

No, it's not simple. It's complicated.

I feel like you are missing the point.

It is simple for the average person to create free energy in the world we live in today.

That's all I was getting at. Nothing more.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The average person is not an inventor but a user. So I would put it the other way around: It's the efforts of non average people, who deal with the specific, the detail, the peculiar. Of those, who despite ready available applications and networks don't let themselves hinder to re-invent something forgotten or held back.

For this, they needed and are/were dependent on the support of the average peoples - the moment you are capable of inventing or building such a device yourself, you're above average.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Let's play with the scenarios. Let's say you succeed and can now power a coffee maker or an egg boiler with the battery. Let's further assume that you also manage to supply other household appliances with energy. What then?

Would you release this into the world as a freely available blueprint based on your research, time and energy? Would you make the plans available here on the blog or elsewhere? Or provide a detailed video tutorial or several? You would have to expect that people who are not familiar with the subject would want to ask you technical questions, that a lot of people would want to take up your time if you, as the creator of this knowledge, were interested in disseminating it, wouldn't you?

So there are the following problems if you do not want to be the sole beneficiary of such a technology, but seek to share it with as many people as possible.

You may have built a finished battery yourself, but other people have to go through the same process that you have already gone through in order to imitate what you have done. What is easy for you to understand, such as a technical construction manual, the terms used in it, is not for others, complete laymen. For the ignorant to become amateurs and then professionals, it takes tutors, guidance, conversations, an exchange. Let's say, because you say that the thing works one hundred per cent, that every week you receive thirty or more enquiries about where in section A of the instructions this or that has to be done and how, because the person who has the instructions in front of them doesn't understand them properly. What do you do then? Do you say: I'm sorry, people, try it yourself until you succeed. I don't have time for you. Then the matter stands or falls with the intelligence of those who receive your instructions from you free of charge, doesn't it?

But then you still have a problem. If you release your knowledge as open source, what's to stop anyone from taking that manual and applying for a patent on it?
That would be theft of common property, but how would it be known that it was stolen? You can't, when you put it online, search all the patent offices on the planet to see if your manual has been patented somewhere, can you?

That would leave only local, word-of-mouth action, and even then you can't be sure that someone from your immediate environment won't release the whole thing into the online world.

To avoid these issues you might find that a manual is not the propper thing to spread it wide and far, and therefore, a ready made product shall be it. Then you are arriving where all modern technology arrived. If you want to have a ready product you need a production facility, lines, distributions, sales, retailers and all that jazz. You need capital and investment etc pp - to involve as many peoples as beneficiaries - who need not become experts but users of your application.

Of course, you can say that you don't want to set up something as a technical advisor yourself, where you gather a team of technical advisors to meet the many interested enquiries that would want to use such an energy source. But if no one does this on a relevant scale, such knowledge remains rather small-scale and therefore has an air of mystery because it has not arrived in the world of mass commerce.

Finally, to come back to the assumption that such plans disappeared somewhere in drawers and never saw the light of day again, my question would be why? If it were really possible to generate energy with such a small input and a minimal amount of materials, what would have stopped these conspirators from building and using it for themselves in the same way? Their houses, yachts, swimming pools etc. would all have to be powered by exactly that, wouldn't they? Because I would be pretty stupid if I had such knowledge not to use it, wouldn't I?

Having such an interesting secret and not telling anyone except an initiated circle is as unrealistic as it is improbable. You can't really keep such things under wraps because the curiosity, the powers of observation, the many opportunities of information leaks would be exploited.

But even if it were, a big secret, I would consider it irrelevant information, because if you actually feel your own enthusiasm and time and inventive spirit, nothing will stop you from starting from scratch and developing in it, if only you want it strongly enough. Someone who wants something will find ways to move towards it, someone who doesn't want something will find reasons to talk his way out of it or to fall into hopelessness or displeasure.

David LaPoint did exactly what you are asking for back in 2019... He has documented and Open Sourced all his discoveries for anyone to build themselves... this way he does not have to fight the system that would try to stop, or kill him if he competed with big oil.

The Primer Fields Part 3

David LaPoint 31.5K subscribers This installment of The Primer Fields explains the dual nature of light and other electromagnetic radiation. As of December 11, 2019 two short parts of this video were removed due to copyright claims from Georgetown. These were just stock footage of light interference from MIT online which were in the public domain according to my information. But I do not have time tor the desire to fight it as the footage was not important at all to what I am presenting that is unique in this video.

Do YOU have a 3 D Printer...??? Print one of THESE and BLURT about it~!

I would love to build one of these if I had a 3D Printer... since it is Open Source and Free to Build~!

The PrimerCube is a revolutionary health enhancement device that utilizes a uniquely structured ionic field.

Website where you can download 3D Printer plans for free.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So cool providing me with that video "The Primer Fields Part 3"
I found it to be very interesting and I appreciated the pace and the repetitions in it, so I was more able to follow the explanations of what photons are and how they "behave" and this field theory. It's for students, I guess. I never fully grasped the slit experiment but this one gave it a really good go and I give you many many thanks for that!

It reminded me also a bit of some of the Startrek episodes where they talk "it's out of phase" and stuff like that. The editors must have had so much fun writing the scenes.

Anyway, this very scientific footage gave me a lot of inspiration and I am motivated to use what it has left me with for a text or a story, I am yet undecided where to post it.

For the rest:
I remain being a nuisance in pointing out that the latest video of Mr. LaPoint is two years old where he promises to give more footage of "how to generate energy" but not with what design he showed having in his studio but with something else. It remains being on the hold.

The primer cube is not much of interest to me. I just briefly checked the website and found the manual in order to build that thing oneself. It confirms what I already expressed here, that things are not easy to build and that you have to have quite some knowledge and skills in, for example, basic mathematics, physics or chemistry and also in using your hands to complete a device on your own.

I think you have to put into perspective that David is a '1 man show' who has released everything he can as 'Open Source' while the whole time being scorned & ridiculed by most of the 'Establishment Science Horde' and he is also being shadow banned to keep his information from going viral... He walks a difficult and dangerous path that many others have been murdered for.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is a device that is said to be healing. The open source is for the cube, not for some energy generating device. There are countless of these in the world and forgive me if I am not interested in such things because I do not believe in singular devices or properties that promise me health.

How I think about it, is Human beings are too complex for that, the dynamics of psyche and physique cannot really be brought to a point, i.e. simple cause-and-effect mechanisms. As far as I'm concerned, all people can buy it or copy it and be happy with it.

Will you personally copy it? Have you seen the long list of materials needed? Or will you buy it?

In 1910 John D Rockefeller & Andrew Carnagie became MAJOR investors of Big Oil & Big Pharma. They banned the medical field from acknowleding the existence of energy in the body & the use of electromagnetic healing because there's no money cures & healthy ppl. Being founders of Big Oil, the Rockefellers pushed petrolium based drugs on the public for TREATMENT to keep them coming back. $$$
To help push the indoctrination forward, John D. Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to schools, colleges & hospitals & he founded a philanthropic front group called "General Education Board". ANY schools & hospitals that did NOT adopt the BS fake science of the Rockefeller's would NOT get funding & thus, would close down.
John D Rockefeller & Andrew Carnagie founded Big Pharma that props up our current world.

Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Faraday, Maxwell, Heavyside & many others who built 100 percent of the CURRENT electric grid & our entire modern world, collectively agreed that magnetism, static electricity & electricity governs our world & universe. They tried to teach us this over 100 years ago. Their science was swept under the rug to be hidden from us by corrupt, evil people & Einstein, a man who literally invented NOTHING, was forced upon us by these very evil people to throw humanity off the trail of true metaphysics of the universe.
We need to dig out the teachings of Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz & others to relearn absolutely EVERYTHING about energy's true role in our own biology & the biology of our Earth & universe.

Magnetism is NOT taught to us correctly & its origin is NOT in the metal on your refrigerator. It's a neat ATTRIBUTE of magnetism, but it's not its primary function.

Think of healing using LIGHT. Light is NOT a particle. It's an electro-magnetic coaxeal circuit. Light IS an electrical phenomenon. SO ARE YOU!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is quite possible, and I include probable, that modern life has a negative impact on people's bodies and spirits. But it is equally possible and probable that it also influences them positively. Who wants to be able to determine what prevails? Since you will not prevent communication and the resulting radiation, and since the people who are convinced that they have found a method by means of electromagnetic radiation to promote the renewal of cells want to counteract this, there is, in my view, nothing to oppose their doing it or trying to do it.

It is just strategically extraordinarily stupid to let the existing laws or the forces working against it interfere with this research or to call them diabolical obstructionists or to denounce the existing political forces. It is wiser to leave such things unmentioned and refer exclusively to the research, its data and its results.

Otherwise, it would be as if a child who has a despotic father not only asks him for permission to be disobedient, he also tells all his neighbours that his father is a despot. And even though the child lives under his roof, he still wants his father to change his rules, despite this badmouthing in the eyes of the father. Unlikely to happen. The despot will not give in.

Thus, many interesting findings and researches will probably never see the light of day, because those who pursue such things cannot refrain from mentioning in the same breath the forces that have so far hindered or prevented such things. It's like when I quit a game of poker and call my fellow player an evil pig. Even if he is one in my eyes, I would have to reproach myself for my own stupidity in telling him so instead of us playing poker.

If you want to sell it well, you'd better not mention evil. You are disobedient and do not peddle it. If you want to see this thing spread, you prevent it from spreading by naming the evil forces in the same breath. You are challenging the very forces you say you intend to infiltrate. You are attracting attention, which in principle you do not find desirable to get from that side of the spectrum.... that's how I feel about it.

I asked you what you personally are inclined to do. You did not answer me. If you want that healing device, go for it or build it from the already existing open sources. Collect more data, spread what you find positive about it etc.

I do what I can from my side. Read my newest post and you'll see.

Regarding your question, I believe we are in a 5th generation information war...
and I am shooting as many Red Pill posts as possible to wake up as many as I can.

The FBI in the US helped create and is actively promoting the Cancel Culture's Divide & Conquer strategy in every Houshold nationwide and families including my own have been torn apart.

I too was under the influence of the propaganda back in 2015 that demonized Donald Trump... and it was not until 2017 that my eyes were opened to how much I was influenced by their brainwashing techniques.


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have a friend with a 3D printer and I have the motivation to buy those other parts and put together the primer cube. I also have a wife's mother who has stomach cancer and is edging closer and closer to the exit door of this great playground. At this point people tend to be up for trying anything, so I think you know what I am going to try.

By the way, it was ten years ago she was diagnosed and she was told at that time she would only live for one year max. I was living in Thailand at the time with Sabrina (who was obviously pretty stressed out by this info) so I offered to come back to France with her and give her mother Reiki. Which I did. With all my heart! And here we are ten years later, mother still alive. She edges closer to death only because she still trusts those lovely doctors who continue to pump her with chemo poisons & morphine.

Anyway, I intend to eliminate her cancer once and for all with the primer cube.

And you can be sure I will post about it.

I am currently seven days into a fast so don't have too much energy to jump into this thread with anything of value, but I do want you both to know that I very much appreciate this conversation and continue to learn a whole bunch from you both! Thank you for this.