Ask and it is given - the leading expert in electroculture has reached out to me 🌱

in electroculture •  2 years ago 

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For a total of 104 delightful minutes I spoke this morning to Yannick Van Doorne, the leading expert in electroculture. I wrote him an email a few days ago to express my gratitude for the work he is doing in this field and left him a link to my blog. Less than a day later he wrote back, having read all of my articles. He was impressed by the way I conduct myself as a researcher/writer and as a filmmaker and mentioned how he was looking for someone in France to make films for him. Funny how these things just kinda flow together right? It is no coincidence that I happen to be a time-lapse specialist, which does in my opinion lend itself perfectly to capturing the effects of electroculture on plants.

In truth I considered myself retired since making this corporate time-lapse three years ago, but for the chance to be a part of the electroculture movement alongside this man who has evidently been chosen by the Universe to deliver this message at this time, I am more than ready to dust off the cameras again.

He was particularly interested in my next project to set up a waterproof Gopro camera which will sit in my garden for three months capturing a time-lapse of plants growing with electroculture techniques alongside a control group. This will be a unique project because I intend to power the camera with free energy, provided by an earth battery. I have already produced the exact voltage and amperage required to get this job done, from an earth battery on my kitchen table.


Gopro cameras require a charge of 5v and 1a (source)

My voltage as you can see was 5.2 while the amperage reading from this setup was 0.8a which I believe will still be enough to keep the camera charged indefinitely. And again, doesn't it feel like more than just coincidence that the power output I produced from the above set-up was randomly the perfect output for a Gopro camera? I would say very little happens by chance in this world. We create all of it.

Please understand nothing has been confirmed between Yannick and myself. I am just excited to share this news with you that the two of us are now acquainted and he is as I suspected a great man, so I will be helping him as best I can with my skills as a filmmaker next year and hopefully beyond.

Our conversation covered so many interesting points I had to sit for 30mins when we were done to note down all the things we talked about. Kicking myself for not recording the conversation it was such a good one! As our first, I did not expect it to be quite so in depth, but it would appear we see eye to eye on the basics already.

And so, a new chapter has begun in my life and I am super grateful to those who support what I do with your votes and your lovely messages, encouraging me always to press on with Love & Light in my heart.

Thank you everyone 🌱

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is great news for these dates, it is like a gift, while I was reading you I was able to connect with your emotion, sincerely congratulations.

I recently read about a news item about a person who was making music from the sound that he perceived from plants by vibration, what he is doing seemed very interesting to me because I love plants. And now I'm reading to you and I'm learning more because I don't know about this topic that you're sharing, but it seems interesting because I learned about electricity and plants from my dad. Since I was little I learned about tools and I always accompanied him to do his work, so I know a little about measuring current and some other things.
I hope you continue to talk with your new friend and I wish you the best of success.
A Merry Christmas hug.
Good vibes.

It is great you feel as if you are learning something from this blog. It is my goal now to spread this knowledge as far as I can, so I encourage you to take what you have learned and experiment with plants, while telling your friends to do the same!

I wish you all the best on this most exciting journey of discovery...

Good vibes all around :)

Congratulations~! No Coincidences~! 🖖

Appreciated. Let's see where this leads...

Somewhere amazing I suspect!


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