in dscr2cornell •  3 years ago 


Welcome to my blog, today I want to discuss with us something important things about the book of revelation. Hope after going through this write up you will gain a little thing from it.

As the name implies (revelation) it is to revel and to make us understand the dark things of the earth, time which there will come to pass and signs which will make christains to believe that it's time for such things to happen for it has already been mentioned in the holy Bible.

Revelation is not just a mare book in the Bible, it's a book that informations or brings to our awareness the consequences of our mistirious deeds. And it has twenty Bible chapters with more than ten verses in each one.

Some christains will be claiming to that their Bible scholars yet there still get shocked when anything new or strange happens, but in the site of God and off what is written in the book of revelation there is nothing I repeat nothing happening in this earth that is new for all what is happening now has happened before and the punishments that is coming is also athing that has happened before.

Christains should start reading that Bibles ( for those that have not been reading) because when your familiar with the word of God you will not be afraid of the calamities that are befalling men this days rather you will stand your grand and hold God tight by the hands( when I say hold him tight I didn't mean physically but spiritually in the sense that you will be more prayerful. And reading the book of revelation will help us do so.

In the book of revelation christains will find out that the reveling of false prophets, physical demons, killings, kidnappings, crises, even the unknown and the deadly sickness (virus) that are coming to existence now like the pandemic (covid19) usually called the third world war will be exposed to us before then because he said in the holy book that sickness that Haven't been heard of will come but his children will us be set free from them.

In conclusion:
Christains should be spiritually feed and always read their Bibles especially the book or revelation. In my next write ups I will be looking for the explain the of revelation chapter by chapter to us.

Thanks for finding time to visit my blog
Remain bless.

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