7 Ways to Get Rid of Painful Psoriasis in Winter

in deutsch •  3 years ago 

In 4 out of 10 cases of psoriasis, the disease is more severe in winter. The problem of psoriasis is difficult to control in cold weather in winter.


Jenny Muras, a dermatologist at Mountain View in California and an assistant clinical professor at the University of California, San Francisco, says the problem of psoriasis is exacerbated by climate change in winter. So follow the doctor's advice. Follow the 6 home remedies to control this skin disease-

Do not use hot water. This can make the skin dry. This is because the natural and protective oils emitted from the skin are washed off with hot water. As a result, the skin becomes more dry and increases the problem of psoriasis. Muraser.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, hot water should not be used to control the problem of psoriasis. Besides, bathing cannot be done for more than 5-15 minutes. And of course you have to use moisturizer on the skin after bathing.

If the environment of the house is dry and hot then the problem of itching may increase due to the effect of psoriasis. According to the Mayo Clinic, room humidity should be kept between 30-50 percent. This is why patients with psoriasis can use a humidifier at home.


Dr. Muras said there has been an increase in the use of hand washes and sanitizers during coronal period. Which increases the risk of developing psoriasis.

So you must use moisturizer to avoid dry skin. Moisturizer cream should be chemical, fragrance and pigment free. After using the moisturizer, massage until the cream blends with the skin.

Patients with psoriasis should not wear woolen clothes. It can increase itching and burning. Again, do not wear heavy clothing. This can cause excessive body heat and sweating. This can cause burns to the affected area.

Sunlight is very effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Which is called phototherapy. Dr. says that phototherapy works great to overcome the bad effects of psoriasis in winter. Muras.

A study published in October 2019 in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that phototherapy was more effective than biological drugs in improving the quality of life of psoriasis patients.
Which is received through sunlight. However, in winter, as the sun is less visible, psoriasis increases.

Flu infection increases in winter, on the other hand, the prevalence of corona - all in all, psoriasis patients have to be careful at this time. So it cannot be kept cold. As well as following the advice of the CDC to maintain social distance and use masks.

Never put nails on the affected area. Many people scratch their nails when itching occurs in the area affected by psoriasis. This can cause sores on the affected area.

New lesions may even appear on other areas of the skin. Which is called Coebner. Studies have shown that about 25 percent of patients with psoriasis suffer from coenzyme Q10.

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