RE: Answer and thoughts to the post from @practialthought

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Answer and thoughts to the post from @practialthought

in deutsch •  2 years ago 

A long time has passed and unfortunately I see the next disaster, caused by a man in a leadership position who lost my trust months ago.

Anyway, I keep my fingers crossed that things will get better here.

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Thank you. I'm still watching, although Jacobs return has given me reason to pause my down vote. If he hadn't I was going out of here in 3 more power downs that I was already a couple days into the second one.

I hope your life has looked up since we last spoke.

Yes, thank you! At the moment, things have calmed down and I enjoy not having any more obligations on the blockchain. By the way, I will not sell my remaining blurt for the time being, even though I have little hope that maybe a miracle will happen after all ;-)

Every time I write to you, I have to think of the scene from "Dances with Wolves". It is a beautiful memory and I really hope that you and your loved ones get through this crazy time well.

Thank you for remembering. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi Michelangelo I hope you re fine ? Wishing you all the best for the month of July