Answer and thoughts to the post from @practialthought

in deutsch •  3 years ago 

this post is an answer to the last post from @practicalthought (, the second time he has written about this topic so I will answer also to it but as it is in my eyes a complex topic it neesds a complex answer and so I considered that a post might be the best way to get that done!

First to make clear I´m not in favor of double-u but also not completely against his arguments, exactely like with megatrade, maybe you know already that I´m a born German, an old experienced member of one of the old big curating-teams on Steemit and so well known from double-u (even born and raised in the same city as he).

And hey let me state that too here double-u wasn´t alone, in that case he´s the guy who talks, but there where a lot of very talented guys who can code quite efficently even bigger projects (they´ve shone that in the past) who have went away with him because of disagreing with the tone and attitude of Megadrive and some others here.

When on a platform one adresses some issues regarding to the founders or sponsors/investors of such a project it is never easy to find the right measure even when you get a business background for more than 3 decades like me.
But its totally clear that there is on the one or on the other side a lack of money or qualified staff, and an the other hand side there is still the discussion about the decentralisation and how to reach or keep it from the users side.
B U T that´s not a specific problem of BLURT, most of the projects in this area have that too !!!

And now to the points:

  • 1.) the need of steady development on a project
  • 2.) the need of steady funding this project
  • 3.) the need to involve the userbase in this process as far as possible

1.) the need of steady development on a project
one must understand (and I guess all or most of you are aware of that) that such a project will never stop to need work on the base functionality and on the adding of parts which will make the project:

  • look better
  • easier to handle
  • more competitive
  • more useful

...and all these points need not only one good coder, it needs a group of good, experienced and enthusiastic coders.
And know what, all of them need to make up their living like all of us, means the need to pay bills when they live from coding, they need to get payed in money or in a good (worthy) coin that they don´t struggle with their lifes because this will influence their work balance extremely negativ and thus will lead to a failing project, please keep that in mind, so this point leads directly to the second point you can´t do this without funding there is no way, belive me.

2.) the need of steady funding this project

here we go with the most discussed and most hated point of all in every project, everybody has some expectations on the project in case of return on invest (ROI), in interest and also in terms of respect for perfomance (not only financial, but also in the form of work).

We normally have one of the following structures of funding a project:

  • one single or a group of Investors (often the founders of the project here in Crypto)
  • a Co-investor who brings in the needed capital, or infrastructure in form of Staff, or both of them points
  • a community funded project which needs a much more complicated make up of the project

all of these three types of funding had their own special expectations on investors side and thus for a good reason, most of them not just like to pay for charity (unlike it is a project which had such a background) and if so they will expect some tax-credit solution for their investment, that´s the same when the bloggers and content creators expect a return in coins and reputation on the project.

The first type of Investor(s) mostly have their own benefit from the project in mind, forsure therefor you need a working project that brings also value to the customers, in our case the Users/Bloggers they must find a useful tool for their needs and with having that normally the Investors secure their own profit which comes from the success on higher numbers of users and trafic, these guys mostly have a mid to long term interest in the project what means they will stay normally for the whole developing processto reach their financial goal.

The second type of Investor(s) have normal different approaches in a project, the ones who only bring financing will act more or less in a short term so in the initial phase or for max one year then they expect to get there money and an interest on top or their money and some coins instead of the interest. The ones who bring in staff or infrastructure may see this more in a mid term case what means they possibly will stay for the whole time of the pre development and maybe a time when there will be further adoptions and then hand over to another crew from the project owner what was build under their leadership, so at this moment they also expect at least a return if not before in coins when the project will be launched.

The third type of investor(s) is much complicated than the other two before, we got a existing community or new growing community as the new Userbase and the investor(s) itself, so they had to deal with a not easy way to find the right amount of money for the funding and the right amount of users who bring it in even when this process will be stretched over a few installments its not as easy to handle like in the 2 earlier described ways because you also need the consent of nearly all or a huge number of community members what´s not the case in the other scenarios. And that´s why most projects will come with a mix of the first two funding types its just easier to handle things and come to a decission.
But anyway even this third type of investor(s) expect a return in form of coins, extrapayment on publications in money or coins or a share in the project.

As we can see all of the Investor types have their expectation, and all of them had them for a good reason, they worked for it in one or the other way with labor or with funding.
Nobody will work or fund without getting something useful back don´t matters if its money, coins , labor from the other party on a own project or even a switch of goods, this principle is as old as men kind there is no way around it.
And that´s why their is the need to make a decission before you start a project, you will struggle if you try to do this on the way when actually their was put work in before that makes thing more complicate as they are normally -and believe me- funding a project or a company is never easy otherwise everyone would do so.

In such a situation like we have it here on the table actually (or in just a few days ahead) there is the need to bring these two parts of expectations smootly together that no one falls apart or lost the payment for his invested money/time or labor, there must be goodwill on both sides to bring the best possible solution with the most possible success for the joint project, that´s essential !
If there is no way to achieve this, the project is dead and everyone involved loses (their money, their work, their time)

I never had such kind of projects in my business life with the huge community because it was normally companies or family offices and when there was more than one investor/shareholder it was sometimes difficult enough to find the mayority for a decissione what brings the project towards the goal.

Taking all that said into account one must recognise that there must be movement on both sides in our case with the project of BLURT to be the succes what it deserves.

And to make that also clear too, from my experience of the past 4 years with Steemit, HIVE, Blurt, Appics, Noise and some other ones, there will be always guys who suck on the honeypot (the reward pool) and don´t have nothing else in their silly heads than just making as much money they can without having just one single thought in losses of the rest, and hey to state this also very clear that´s most of the times the same guys (yeah they are on every chain, right, they move from one chain to another when the rip is over or the pot nearly empty), most of us know them very well ;)

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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this.

Contrary to how it might appear to some, in general I like double-u. I felt in many ways he was good for Blurt, and that his initial investment (before I came here) was likely a necessary component to the initial survival of the chain. As you mention, there must be a means of paying for both infrastructure and work.

Where he veered off course (in my opinion) was his war over the VTS became personal and seemed to blind him to realities. I opposed him on his VTS stance, and then once again as he doubled down and tried to expand that position to include all delegations. However, I never mistook our disagreement over this topic to be a personal matter, it was simply a philosophical difference when it came to property rights.

I felt it was a tragedy that he took it personally with megadrive, and for weeks publicly talked out of turn in his large pub. Stirring up the crowd if you would to ensure that it evolved from a difference of philosophy to a personal enmity.

I watched as the crowd grew under his sway on this. I suspect some like my friend michelangelo3 were to close to the forest to see the trees and perhaps didn't realize how charged this was becoming. Others I believe were swayed by the large votes they were receiving for mirroring the views being expressed despite their growing toxicity as they evolved from a philosophical difference to a character attack.

I have tried when possible to seek to direct folks to a common ground if one exists, or to try explaining when there is no such ground why in a manner that doesn't attack the messenger, just the message.

I believe that in this most recent post by double-u it was done in the spirit of continuing that war with megadrive. He appears blinded in his disgust and anger with him to the point he has stopped seeing larger pictures.

I believe his message would have been more respectable had he not made it so personal. Much more as well if he would have had some type of plan on how exactly a chain would continue to run with no one at the helm. Personally I don't see how it could be done, and we have no other example I'm aware of that demonstrates such a thing. Ignoring this likely crucial failure point was a flaw that made it glaring to myself this was a tunnel vision post of his to seek his due in how he (in his eye) was wronged.

It made and still makes me sad how the entire thing ended. I lost someone dear to me (michelangelo3) and feel like the loss of quality contributors from those who left created a vacuum that will never be filled the same. Double-u did many good things for Blurt, and I rue the day he allowed losing his push against property rights to create an anger so strong he made that a hill to die upon. It was all so unnecessary. And still is. Blurt was and is so much more than megadrive and that one issue and I wish that the many parts of Blurt that aren't that could have held more of a cumulative value than the VTS/megadrive war became to him.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thank you for reading my thoughts and tipps for this steady growing desaster, there is so many aspects but the most dangerous one is the lack of a emotion-free acting group of responsable people who try to manage bringing this thing back home without having an accident on the way back.
And to me it seem more and more that this couldn´t be Megadrive he´s for sure not able to make conflict and emotion-free decissions which will be good for the project itself and all its users (not only him and those other 2 or 3 big guys)

That´s for sure not the way a succesful businessman acts in and on an asset what belongs partly to him ;)

He´s looking with his account freezing thoughts like a politician in a third world country (na at present time it could also be one in the US).

We will see very soon where those actions will lead to...

I agree that things have looked bleak from the leadership role. I'm hopeful enough at the moment I stopped my power down that went through its first week of payout now that Jacob has returned and spoken on this. Now I wait and see what the Foundation does in response. I already have seen some energy use from some in the Foundation that leaves me wary. If they have the power to disregard Jacob (and common sense/honor) and proceed I'll resume my power down and move on quietly.

A long time has passed and unfortunately I see the next disaster, caused by a man in a leadership position who lost my trust months ago.

Anyway, I keep my fingers crossed that things will get better here.

Thank you. I'm still watching, although Jacobs return has given me reason to pause my down vote. If he hadn't I was going out of here in 3 more power downs that I was already a couple days into the second one.

I hope your life has looked up since we last spoke.

Yes, thank you! At the moment, things have calmed down and I enjoy not having any more obligations on the blockchain. By the way, I will not sell my remaining blurt for the time being, even though I have little hope that maybe a miracle will happen after all ;-)

Every time I write to you, I have to think of the scene from "Dances with Wolves". It is a beautiful memory and I really hope that you and your loved ones get through this crazy time well.

Thank you for remembering. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi Michelangelo I hope you re fine ? Wishing you all the best for the month of July

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes actually its still best thing to wait a few days and see whats happening, but what you mentioned with Jacob is not making more hope, maybe this will be the last infight than !?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Very well stated 👏👍🥓

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thank you, you´re welcome @frankbacon 😉

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

1.) the need of steady development on a project
one must understand (and I guess all or most of you are aware of that) that such a project will never stop to need work on the base functionality and on the adding of parts which will make the project:

perhaps we could freeze development and make witness nodes easy to setup in order to maximize decentralization and resilience

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes, maybe that´s also an issue worth to have an eye on, normally the healthier the Witnesses are the better the chain and less hustle like this here actually with foundation yes, foundation no, foundation what there is none.
The votes for the witnesses should be all equal one acount one vote worth 1 whatever, not all the power to anonymous accounts and big stakeholders (if its a community project funded by the community).

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

that's why we need more focus on COIN DISTRIBUTION

accounts with more than a million blurt should sell or give away their coins

in order to maximize DECENTRALIZATION

sure, this might "tank the price" BUT THAT'S A GOOD THING

smaller accounts can then buy up the cheap blurt for a more symmetrical COIN DISTRIBUTION

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yeah and there should be more options, I got anotherone in mind, not selling their coins not giving it completely away but delegating it to a newly created REAL-community-curating account what should have at least then 5 Million BLURTPower and willbe managed by a rotating crew of 10 to15 community-members (no leaders like big-M, or one of the other candles), so that the power is used to bring Blurt to small/normal accounts, and the best principal should be not to vote for the big accounts more than 1or2% per week.
And in addition when this account is also used to vote for proposals we should get really fast some changes and a smarter BLURT ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

5 different one million blurtpower accounts is more decentralized than one 5 million blurtpower account

heck a thousand delegations of a thousand blurtpower is more decentralized than a one million blurtpower curation account

total number of ACTIVE BLOGGERS is the goal line here

we all saw how giant curation accounts were abused on hive

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I´m not against your idea, maybe a mix of both would also be fine, I never care about HIVE because they stole my money thes f..... idiots, and downvoted all my posts to hell ;)
But I was member of such a curating crew on Steemit and we don´t had such an issue in 2 years !!