Erzähl von deinen Träumen - Tell about your dreams

in deutsch •  3 years ago 


Wir leben in verschiedenen Ländern, sind arm oder reich oder kommen einfach irgendwie klar. Wir haben verschiedene Interessen, Berufe und Hobbies. Aber die meisten von uns haben eins gemeinsam: wir haben Träume!

Ich dachte mir, daß das ein sehr schönes Thema ist für die Blurt-Community.
Träume können sehr unterschiedlich sein und haben nicht immer mit Geld und Reichtum zu tun.
Mancher träumt von einer Beziehung, von Familie und Kindern.
Andere träumen vom Frieden.
Manch einer träumt von der Freiheit.
Diese kann wiederum oft einfacher erreicht werden, wenn man das nötige Kleingeld hat.
Meine Freundin träumt vom Haus am See und sie würde mich (uns) mitnehmen. Wir würden dann mit dem Cocktail in der Hand auf unserer Terrasse sitzen und auf's Wasser glotzen.
Ganz ehrlich, ich hätte nichts dagegen.....

Ja, wovon träume ich eigentlich?
Finanzielle Unabhängigkeit wäre schon toll.
Und natürlich gibt es einem die Freiheit,
sein Leben anders zu gestalten.
Ich liebe es zu reisen. Und das am liebsten ohne Zeitdruck.
Schon oft waren wir in Ländern, in denen es auch große Armut gibt.
Ganz extrem empfand ich das in Indien.
Da waren Menschen, die auf allen Vieren krochen, weil ihr Körper in Kinderjahren nicht behandelt wurde.
Wir sahen Kinder mit dicken Bäuchen, die sie haben, weil sie Hunger leiden.
Wir sahen Menschen ohne Beine, die auf einem Holzbrett mit Rollen saßen und sich mit Hilfe der Hände durch die Gegend rollten.
Oft sahen uns diese Menschen in die Augen und lächelten.
Diese Kraft, die sie ausstrahlten, hat mich oft beeindruckt.
Wie oft standen wir dort und hatten weder die Zeit, noch das Geld diesen Menschen zu helfen.
Wie oft habe ich mir gewünscht finanziell und zeitlich unabhängig zu sein, um handeln zu können!
Kleinere Sachen konnten wir machen. Wir haben Kinder eingekleidet, Decken für Familien gekauft, Lebensmittel gekauft...
Geben macht unwahrscheinlich glücklich und zufrieden.
Jetzt haben wir ja seit fast 5 Jahren unser Uganda-Projekt und wir konnten schon wirklich viel bewegen, das allerdings nur mit Hilfe von ganz viel Unterstützung, auch von Euch.
Also wovon träume ich?
Blurt to the Moon, das wäre schon super!
Dann würde ich erstmal nach Uganda und Indien reisen....

Also, wovon träumt ihr?
Erzählt es uns!


We live in different countries, are poor or rich or just get along somehow. We have different interests, professions and hobbies. But most of us have one thing in common: we have dreams!

I thought that this is a very nice topic for the Blurt community.
Dreams can be very different and don't always have to do with money and wealth.
Some dream of a relationship, of family and children.
Others dream of peace.
Some dream of freedom.
This, in turn, can often be achieved more easily if one has the necessary small change.
My girlfriend dreams of a house by the lake and she would take me (us) with her. We would then sit on our terrace with a cocktail in our hands and stare at the water.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind.....

Yes, what am I dreaming of?
Financial independence would be great.
And of course it gives you the freedom
to live your life in a different way.
I love to travel. And preferably without time pressure.
We have often been in countries where there is also great poverty.
I felt this very extremely in India.
There were people crawling on all fours because their bodies were not treated in childhood.
We saw children with big bellies, which they have because they suffer from hunger.
We saw people without legs, sitting on a wooden board with rollers, rolling around with the help of their hands.
Often these people looked us in the eyes and smiled.
This power they radiated often impressed me.
How often we stood there and had neither the time nor the money to help these people.
How often I wished to be financially and temporally independent to be able to act!
Small things we could do. We clothed children, bought blankets for families, bought food....
Giving makes you incredibly happy and satisfied.
Now we have our Uganda project for almost 5 years and we could really move a lot, but only with the help of a lot of support, also from you.
So what am I dreaming of?
Blurt to the Moon, that would be great!
Then I would first travel to Uganda and India....

So, what are your dreams?
Tell us!


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I dream of one day having some land away from the city. With enough money to be able to pay the government rent (taxes). I would spend my days loving my land, growing food and trees and reflecting on the real questions of life, such as my place within it and how it/we are all connected.

The alchemists of old mostly worked with the earth (not the fabled philosopher stone), using its magic to transmute their hearts and being, not in pursuit of some gold as has also been romanticized.

I dream of being like them, and learning to shed the baggage and illusions I am forced to immerse myself in, and be free to be and love without the tug of this farm I find myself in demanding my time/energy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is a very beautiful dream.
I would also find it totally beautiful to live like that.
But that would only be possible in Germany with a lot of money...
Nature is the best.
Our garden is not huge, but you can discover so many things / animals.
I can then totally switch off and am then happy about a beautiful bug and of course about the flowers, the birds and the squirrels...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very accurate this publication, depending on the user some will have their goals in quick rewards, others like me in better opportunities to devote ourselves to what we like. In my case I want to resume my craft beer brewery. While it is true that this can be an expensive process with a moderate budget I can achieve it. I wish everyone had the vision to achieve something in the future and be able to achieve what they want.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you will make it!
Maybe you join forces with our pub landlord @double-u...! Export to Germany!!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had a dream similar to helping people through religious means because I was in training to become a priest and that was cut short unfortunately. I have moved on even though it was painful after many years going through holistic, intellectual and rigorous training. I am happy I have learnt good morals through ethics in Philosophy which was basically about human relationships and what humans should do and not do and how to live a good life. Generally I want to be a good person and live and help people I come in contact with me, at the end of life here on earth the only thing that matters is how positively I have touched the lives of others. I admire what you do so much and in a way sooner or later I will start helping as much as I can. My dream is to be able able to help someone. I will start my nursing education soon, I wish to help sick people and care for them. My philosophy of life is to help. I never want to be okay alone! Thanks for bringing this topic up.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my opinion, everyone can help, regardless of money.
Help can be to be there for someone, to listen, or even to carry the groceries for the old neighbor...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Rich or poor, every human being has a dream. But my idea is that the dreams of the poor are small. For example, the dream of a hungry person is to eat food every day. he is poor and his dreams are small.
And we all work hard to make our dreams come true

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh lala, mein sehr geschätzter elkezaksek, ich habe jedes Wort geliebt, das ich in deinem Beitrag gefunden habe.

Träume sind wie dieser Motor, der innere Energie erzeugt und es uns ermöglicht, motiviert und bereit zu bleiben, diesen Traum zu verwirklichen. Aber obwohl wir langfristige Träume haben, tauchen andere auf, die unerwartet eintreffen, wenn ich in diesem Moment antworten muss, würde ich sagen, dass mein nächster Traum ist, meinen Vater wieder zu umarmen und ihn vollständig genesen zu sehen, seine Gesundheit ist mein Traum in diesem Moment.

Ein weiterer Traum, den ich mit Ihnen teilen kann, ist, reisen zu können, verschiedene Sprachen zu beherrschen und viele Menschen zu treffen, mit denen ich einen Fußabdruck und eine Botschaft teilen kann, dass wir Dinge gut und im Einklang mit der Natur machen können.

Was für eine schöne Gelegenheit Sie mir, mein Freund, gegeben haben, mich an meine Träume zu erinnern.

Ich schicke dir eine große Umarmung, und hoffentlich kann ich dich in einem Traum mit deinem Freund auf die Terrasse begleiten und zwischen Lachen und Freuden nicht einen, sondern mehrere köstliche Cocktails teilen.
Gute Stimmung.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Our problems are simple, it is easy to realize it and go to, for example, a cancer hospital and see bald heads of children - they have problems, not us

I've been to Africa, all of Asia, in India - there's a dime there, it's a bowl of rice, not a blurt on the moon

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, that is very true!
Maybe it would be helpful if more people would not only sit in their fancy hotel complex, but would once see the real conditions in some countries with their own eyes...and not only on TV....
It makes a difference....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

i have a dream. And I will tell you some of my dreams.
I am an ordinary person. I'm not very smart. I want to be able to help people who are really in trouble.

but I realized I couldn't do a lot of great things yet. I want to create a community or be a good and useful community donor. such as memorizing the holy Al Qur'an, Islamic boarding schools, hospitals, schools and others.

because in Indonesia there are still many people who are in trouble, hungry, oppressed and others.
therefore, I want to be able to help them.

I also have a dream to become a teacher who teaches reading the holy Qur'an correctly. and of course I want to be able to help anyone.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In fact, life is very difficult and very easy. Every human being has a need. It is small or big. For example, the dream of a day laborer is to be able to eat well every day. The dream of a millionaire is to increase his money.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't think it's that simple.
The day laborer would be happy, of course, if he had enough to eat.
But maybe he still dreams of a great car, or a great job....
The millionaire certainly cares about his money, but maybe he also has dreams and these dreams may not always have something to do with money...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I agree with you.
Your point of view is bigger than mine.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everyone has a different kinds of dreams either good or bad dreams. But the most beautiful dream is to become success in Life and achieved our goals. 😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Trying to fulfill my dreams

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hair may be the same as black but a different way of thinking.
Everyone has a dream. Sometimes dream of having everything.
But I only have 1 dream. that is, happy with how to make other people happy

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I dream of going to america and europe, and after a lil while running a charity organic for the helpless, homeless and needy.
And also having a good and better life over there 😊.