Shackled minds - be free, do what you want, when you want!

in davos •  2 years ago 


I threw a few £ to some smart young people, so they could attend the WEF.

No not as part of the WEF, just to report on it, a young lady from the UK and a independent news outlet, why? I have children, and an old fart like me covering it for a younger generation was never going to cut it, and I asked them to do it with no strings attached, no directive from me, just go and cover it in your own words, my opinion matters not.

I want my children to be free from the planned tyranny from these vile creatures at the WEF and yes, I would like nothing more for the stupid club of so called elites to never meet up again with their fake shop fronts, in a fake village, and anything I can do to end this stupidity of money loving whores that only idolise money backed by nothing, I shall do, to the limits of my resources, I consider it silly paper money and silly digits well spent, and it is mine to give anyway.

Minimalists need to go back and not read on, you made your choice, live with it.

I have a theory I am testing, and lord only knows I may be wrong, but I wanted to show how fake the entire system is, and get young people covering it, and they did so eloquently, and as I do not respect money backed by nothing, it was worth it.
This is my no bullet fired approach, no protest either as I see them as appealing to the oppressor, the same way I see petitions.

Crusty old farts, with billions of fake monopoly money ruining the world is to me ludicrous, and I do not want any part of their vile club, deluded fools the lot of them.
To reach a younger crowd, you need the young involved, and so it was.

Big up to all involved, and they never took the piss with expenses.
I did not throw millions of £ at this, just some donations to people from different countries, in the age group I thought mattered the most, younger than I.

I never say what I am going to do in advance as that would spoil the fun, I also do not have unlimited resources, but as I care not for money, it seems to come easy, figure that one out.

I liken money to when I have been single, if I am desperate for a woman or money, they both are hard to come by, but when I do not give a damn, they just keep on a coming, both smell desperation it seems, ladies feel free to disagree or say I am wrong, but I do think women smell desperation.

I digress.

The WEF has just been proved to be fake by these young independent journalists, fake shop fronts, fake media signs on them, fake village, fake everything just like the people that attend, that love their fake money.

This has been the best silly Fiat money I have ever given away, it wakes up a generation that ARE the future, would I do it again, hell yes, tomorrow,


I removed all but one today from the 25,000 I had given, it was a test, I will do more soon, I just need to work out who, why, who adds the most value in my opinion, well it is my tokens, so yes, I get to choose, and I will be doing more when the tokens come home.

Anyone selling blurt hit me up, not in the face, but via message, I have cash waiting.

I am keeping an open mind on blurt, but it needs to do what it says on the tin, allow free speech, and I give not a single flying fuck if it offends someone else, it is only words, not a sword, not a bullet, some people need to grow a set of balls, and let people speak, or maybe I will not invest, their choice, 2 cents or a dollar, take it or leave it, be offended or let people speak, simple as.

Have a superb day tomorrow, get checking the Davos vids out from the young people, legends the lot of them, I could kiss them all, well, the female ones that is 😂

R.I.P. Davos, bet you do not last another year, yippee.

Main picture is Klaus and Bill gates on the way home, now everyone knows their scams. 😄

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wanted to vote a post and I saw the bp delegated was not there. Not until I read your post and saw you removed them. Thanks so much for what you do. It actually gave me more reason to be active and roll in with people on the platform. Your delegation was a big encouragement for me

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Worry not, I will be doing more of the same, I just wanted to think how to do it better, thanks for the comment.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really appreciate your support sir 👍💯

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are most welcome brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

if I am desperate for a woman or money, they both are hard to come by, but when I do not give a damn, they just keep on a coming, both smell desperation it seems, ladies feel free to disagree or say I am wrong, but I do think women smell desperation.

Yes, but so does man. . .and i think its actually good. When we are desperate for man/women, we usually avoid something within. . .so better figure that out and not by pass by hooking up with random people.

Money, very similar, but not the same.
I usually spend the most £££ when I have the least. . .😅 but thats to stay in the abundance mindset, and circulate the energy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have respect for women, but not for money, so maybe there is a correlation, or effect causation, unsure. One thing is sure though, the less you desire both, the more you get, weird world.

I love it when I have no money, but the fecking stuff keeps coming back, no better time than having to think "can I afford it" But would not want to live it forever.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

the less you desire both, the more you get

Wanting nothing = getting everything
I dont always manage to do it though. . .so not gonna act as a saint, lol. But i learned to say 'if its in my highest good' or 'this or better' 😅😂🤣
And then surrender. . .

I still have a weird thing re money and feeling safe. . .it sometimes creeps in. . .
I used to always attract relationships where i would be the one with more money, and it was all about feeling safe. . .

I have respect for women

🙏🏻 i know you do, thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have you got a younger man fetish? If the answer is no, fly to Thailand and marry the penguin 😅

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoL 😅😂🤣😅😂🤣
But i thought he was taken. . . .

I actually have a terrible pattern of dating old guys. . .always had. . .most my relationships were with guys 16-18 years older than me. . .you know the the daddy issues, we talked about it before. . . Im trying to bring it down to 10ish years age gap now though, cause otherwise i will end up with grandpa's. . .😅😂🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Last I heard he was abducted by aliens.

I am 14 years older than my wife, my youngest daughters friends say we are all weird because I look like her grandad lol.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, does it bother you?
Cause in reality its nobodies business. . .
As long as you two are happy, GREAT!
Look at ultravioletmag, her guy is a lot younger, and she couldnt give a shit what anyone else thinks. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not in the slightest, it makes me laugh, but so do many things in life, I prefer to have fun rather than sulk about things.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Due to all the women running away from me at top speed, I've never had the chance to discuss with them if I'm giving off desperate vibes or not....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

😅😂🤣lol, you so full of shit. . .then what about all the stories of all those women. . .? Apparently they weren't running,
so dont play the martyr card, AGAIN. .🙄😅

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....ah, but then I discovered roofies, and everything started to improve ! lol

(ffs! sad it is that I have to now have point out it was a joke ? know, make sure there's no snowflakes freaking out.... this is what the lack of free speech culture does)

so dont play the martyr card, AGAIN

I've got a full deck - so lots to go yet ....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol, just use a hashtag. . . #joke #imonlyjoking #keepoffsnowflakes
use your creativity. . . you know, just like when you are bullshitting with your martyr things, then get caught 👁️ , and then using humour to get out of it 😅 #imonlyjoking

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


....(looking at deck, considering which card to play...)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·'s not gonna happen - deal with it , will ya ?! lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are you two going to get a room already?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am keeping an open mind on blurt, but it needs to do what it says on the tin, allow free speech, and I give not a single flying fuck if it offends someone else, it is only words, not a sword, not a bullet, some people need to grow a set of balls, and let people speak, or maybe I will not invest,

The difference between the privileged, sheltered classes, and those who've had a life.
I'm not sure it can be understood by those don't know the difference between being getting smacked in real life, or having a gun in yer face, and being a 'super skilled warrior' on a computer game.
Gamers think that's how it is in real life, I'm sure.

If people are so sensitive to words, they've never had to toughen up in the real world.
What a luxury. (well, more of a curse, in my opinion).

......These are the very same people who are gonna suffer the worst in the coming , tougher, years - as reality bites.

..And I think that I've had a pretty easy life, btw...
...but when I see some of the snowflake reactions online...I feel like I've must have hacked my life out of the wilderness, killing crocodiles and T-rex's , as I go ! lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It makes me laugh people online getting offended for people they have never met or never will, you either sell a free speech product or you do not, it is that simple.
Hypocrisy abounds everywhere, time to reign it in.

At least the WEF has been called out now, and by smart young people with huge followings and they had that following for a reason, one guy was from Australia, watched him for 2 years defying nonsensical lockdowns and tyranny, a worthy independent reporter indeed, with a bias towards freedom.

Now where is my playstation at, call of duty needs me, NOT.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Reality will shift the snowflake position - and it will be coming very soon to a country near them !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I can happily say as I am in the East, we get none of it, not a drop of snowflake-ism here.

Hah it’s not man or woman I think all ppl do, you don’t manifest anything good from a lack mentality, I sorted the bf thing out now need to work on the endless money flowing area 🙏🏻🤗

Agree on blurt it’s kind of worrying we have to step up sometimes and defend free speech but I will say that at least people seem to see sense and listen.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Agreed, but you should not have to fight for a god given right.
It is either you can say anything or you can not, if content is original, and someone does not like the words, "DO NOT READ THEM" or act like a headmaster like someone on here does, it is not school and I aint taking a spanking for nobody.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He is a lucky chappie, now stop thinking about money and let it rain money :-)