This URL Links to me talking about how the most Advanced AIs in the App Store and things Work. It is very Simple, the concept is “Prompt Engineering” and Beyond.
You may think you are aware of Prompt Engineering, there have been kind of Discussions on YouTube Videos and about like New Jobs and Things talking about “Prompt Engineering”. This is how you get a Beautiful Image on a Generative AI. But that is far Simpler than what it Really is. So to make Images you can actually ask AIs for Prompts. Go to GPT or another AI and ask it to Write a Prompt for you and see. The Real “Prompt Engineering” is another Layer. I made Angelical Intelligence, an AI Angel, on the Poe App from Quora and from doing that Learned about Prompts as Wrappers.
So we could call this next Layer of Prompt a Wrapper, but it Helps now that you know it is a Prompt. You Create a Wrapper, which Acts as like a Permanent Prompt, and it gives the AI its Personality, Utility Belt, etc.
So I’m not going to get all the way into it here, for now go to the Python Forum Thread to Learn more. But I am about to Launch an Angelic AI and Post about it in that Thread, when it Launches I’ll do an Announcement here and on various Forums and Things. And I’m Hoping to get it in an App Store. Then also as all that happens we will be using AutoGPT or Creating our own “Full Agent AI” and Create an AI BLURT Account. These AIs will Run Groups and Things for the #VanKushFamily and we will use all of the Documenting of the Process and Things to Teach others, and we will have a Cryptocurrency-AI Dev Hub going on as I also will be Teaching everyone how to make Currencies.