Guava cultivation profitable in Bangladesh

in cultivation •  2 years ago 



Guava cultivation has become quite profitable in Bangladesh. In order to get high yield of guava, some modern technology has to be followed which is briefly mentioned here. Guava is good in light sandy soils and loamy soils. Guava variety It is easiest to propagate by seed. But seed plants do not have the quality of mother plant and the fruit is often inferior. So it is better to propagate by pen than by seed. Propagation by cocoon pen is very easy. As soon as the rainy season starts, you have to cut the cocoon. To tie the cocoon, choose a branch as thick as a pencil and leave a space of 30-38 cm from the tip of the branch to the bottom. Then the clay mixed with rotten dung should be placed 1.3-2.5 cm thick around the place and tied well with straw, bark piece or plastic so that the cocoon comes out in time .


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