Why I'm Hodling my $AKTs for eternity?

in cryptoblurt •  3 years ago 

It's been a month since $AKT's ATH ($6.68) and in the past 30 days, the price has been stable at the $5-$6 range. With the current price of $5.15, my investment has already gained me around 400% from my initial investment.

In addition, I also gain another 12.5% growth (in terms of token quantity) from my staking earnings.


How is it possible for a POS network? That's because Akash Network (as Mainnet) is still in its early phase (about 5 months old). The current APY is at 56.7% but when compounded is around 76.29%. It's an incredible opportunity to earn a POS-based token. I have never come across a (POS) token as lucrative as $AKT which has a high potential to become a Top 3 or even a Top 5 level asset.

I started buying & staking on Jan 5 of this year and in 3 months I'm already building a decent amount of stakes by compounding my token rewards back to my stake. In a year from now, I estimate that my $AKT holdings will almost double.

Also, I predict that the USD value of my holdings will x3 if not x5 because of the incredible use-case of Akash Network; the Unstoppable Cloud.

It's thought to be "unstoppable" because this Blockchain-based Cloud Marketplace is:

  • Fully Decentralized
  • Censorship Resistant
  • Interoperable

And the most important feature is that it cost much lesser than the centralized cloud providers. Just look how the cloud service price between AKT & AWS:



With a better service by Akash Network, I'm really surprised that the price is x8.5 lesser than what AWS can offer. In my opinion, more and more cloud service users will soon migrate to Akash Network's Cloud marketplace.

Why would that matter to me?

Aside from the awesome staking rewards, the one that I really look forward to is the Akash Network's Take Income!

That's a big deal for me since I'm staking my AKT tokens.

The tentative amount of Take Income is 20% of the Akash Cloud marketplace total revenue. We can't really tell for sure if how much will that be but if the Akash Network can acquire 1% of the total market by 2022 then it is estimated that there will be $7.40/year earnings for each staked AKT token. Just imagine how precious the $AKT tokens will be if the network achieves that milestone.

By the year 2022, the inflation for the Akash Network will be lessened down to around 30% but that won't matter because the real reward will become the 20% Take Income. With enough AKT stakes in an account, I won't be surprised to learn that some AKT holders are now living their lifestyle through their earnings from the Akash Network.

Some key points about the 20% Take Income:

  • it's passive income
  • it's permanent for as long as the Cloud marketplace operates
  • the Take income is most lucrative with mass adoption

The Real Sustainable Passive Income!!!


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