Harvesting Cassava

in crops •  9 months ago  (edited)

This was on our way to our farm. We just didn't felt tired of walking a longer distance because we just enjoyed talking everything and felt excitment about harvesting.


We harvested our planted cassava because the time has come that it can be able to harvest it.
Harvesting cassava is a crucial step in the cultivation of this versatile root crop. Typically grown in tropical regions, cassava is ready for harvesting about 8-24 months after planting, depending on the variety and local conditions. The first sign that cassava is ready to be harvested is the yellowing and falling of its leaves. To begin the process, farmers use tools like machetes or spades to carefully dig around the plant's base, being cautious not to damage the tubers. Once unearthed, the tubers are pulled from the ground and can be quite heavy, as cassava plants can produce multiple large roots. After harvesting, the cassava tubers are cleaned, sorted, and prepared for various culinary uses, from cassava flour to cassava-based dishes, making it an essential staple crop in many parts of the world.



This is our harvested cassava. We were very happy because our hard work in planting and caring for it has been rewarded and has a lot of flesh on this root crops.


When I arrived at our house, I immediately cooked the cassava. I put coconut milk, sugar and a little salt when it was already cooked. We must be careful when cooking it because it can harm people if it was not cooked properly.

And this is my cooked cassava..It's so delicious!


Thank you very much for the support. God Bless us all!

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

lamia ana ya oy

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