New: transportationAll contentkrblurtburnbotactifitvideogamesartphotographyblurtgermanzzannewsblurtblocksteemr2cornellwamresearchadventurephotohealthdiscussionHotTrendingNewDAppssonsona2017 in transportation • last yearCebu South Bus TerminalThe terminal is open 24/7 even during holidays. It is located at N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City. You can see many buses for the Southern part of cebu trips including for Dumaguete and Negros passengers.darth-cryptic in transportation • 2 years agoElectric Cars vs. Gas Cars: Is the Conventional Wisdom Wrong?Electric vehicle batteries require a multitude of resources to be manufactured. In the case of cobalt, the World Economic Forum has called out the extraction conditions in Congo, where 20 percent of…t-s-k in transportation • 2 years agoThe Future of Transportation: Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable WorldThere are two roads I want to take you down. The first is the road to a new future where we don’t use cars, but trains, boats and planes. This is a vision for a sustainable world where we’re all…muhammadadil in future • 2 years agoThe Future of Transportation: Innovations in Sustainable MobilityThe Future of Transportation: Innovations in Sustainable Mobility As more consumers demand more sustainable transportation options, the automobile industry will have to reinvent itself. While…lordling in transportation • 2 years agoThe Future of Transportation: Innovations and ChallengesThe automotive industry has been going through a number of changes in recent years. For example, while we've seen self-driving cars become a reality, we're also witnessing the transition from…mccoy02 in blurtech • 3 years agoBlockchain in Transportation its applicationWhile most users limit blockchain use cases are restricted to finance, for fast transactions, anonymity, and security it has rapidly outpaced our narrow thoughts and has a wide application in…noradical in transportation • 3 years agoVisit DayahIt has been a long time since I became an alumni of this dayah as the 22nd generation, now I have stepped back here but not as a student but as an alumni. It's a very beautiful sight and a very…natimal02 in transportation • 3 years agoview of the city of banda acehThis afternoon, my family and I went to the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh to perform the Zuhur prayer in congregation and then we took photos to make memories of the moment at the Grand…stanceoftime in transportation • 3 years agoSamil Shopping CenterToday I escaped from work for a while and went to the Sambil Shopping Center to see the prices of school uniforms since the president had announced that they would start in person. Despite the…truekalina in transportation • 3 years agoBicycle as a means of transportationBICYCLE is a means of transportation that is inexpensive and environmentally friendly because it does not require fuel to run, cycling can also be used to exercise to maintain stable health. Aside…bahagia-arbi in life • 3 years agoNew Train Manggarai in South JakartaManggarai is one of train station in Jakartasupirkurnia in transportation • 3 years agoBus tanpa supir di cina mulai beroperasiSource Bus tanpa sopir mulai beroperasi untuk transportasi publik di China. Chongqing, salah satu kota di China telah mengoperasikan jaringan bus otomotis tanpa sopir yang tersedia untuk…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago阿诺车祸阿诺·史瓦辛格,是奥地利裔美国籍,出生于奥地利,原是健身运动员,后踏入艺圈,是美国有名的演员,出演过《魔鬼终结者》、《魔鬼司令》、《魔鬼总动员》、《魔鬼大帝》、《魔鬼二世》、等等,被人们昵称为魔鬼阿诺。 魔鬼阿诺曾以共和党党员的身分来竞选加州州长并胜选过2任,2003年11月17日~2011年1月3日止,卸任后重回演艺圈。…