New: temperaturaAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartnewsgamesr2cornellblurtgermanzzanphotographyaimusicblurtblockmemelolzwamblurtlifeblurtindiablurtafricaHotTrendingNewDAppshugo1954 in blurtech • last yearPLEASE DO NOT VOTE REPEATED POST DUE TO INTERNET PROBLEMS / POR FAVOR NO VOTAR POST REPETIDO POR PROBELMAS EN INTERNETHow to monitor PC temperature in Fedora with Sensorshugo1954 in blurtech • last yearPLEASE DO NOT VOTE REPEATED POST DUE TO INTERNET PROBLEMS / POR FAVOR NO VOTAR POST REPETIDO POR PROBELMAS EN INTERNETHow to monitor PC temperature in Fedora with Sensorshugo1954 in blurtech • last yearPLEASE DO NOT VOTE REPEATED POST DUE TO INTERNET PROBLEMS / POR FAVOR NO VOTAR POST REPETIDO POR PROBELMAS EN INTERNETHow to monitor PC temperature in Fedora with Sensorshugo1954 in blurtech • last yearCómo monitorear la temperatura de la PC en Fedora con Sensors. |ESP-ENG|How to monitor PC temperature in Fedora with Sensors