New: emperorAll contentburnbotkrblurtzzanactifitgamesblurtgermanresearchartphotographyvideonewsbeblurtblurtblockblurtographyblurthispanobloghealthr2cornellconspiracyHotTrendingNewDAppscloudblade in cn • 2 years ago满门抄斩、株连九族满门抄斩、株连九族 满门抄斩俗称「抄家」,株连九族又称「灭族」... 满门抄斩,这个门是指大宅门,指住在一起的一家人,也就是同一户籍,如果四代同堂,大家都没分家,那么「抄家」之时,大家就都被抓了,而户籍内的奴婢或者无血缘关系的人,也是会被抓的,官府看的是户籍名册 ...…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago生了四个儿子,没当过皇帝也当过太子生了四个儿子,没当过皇帝也当过太子 太子是一国的储君,也就是未来要继承皇位的人,古时,太子只有一人,也就是说,只有一个儿子可以当太子,却有一位皇后,他的四个儿子,没当过皇帝,也当过太子,儿子用的很凶,这人是谁?就是顶顶大名的武则天 ... 武则天生的四个儿子,分别是大儿子李弘、二儿子李贤、三儿子李显、小儿子李旦 ...…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago中国史上最伟大的两位皇帝中国史上最伟大的两位皇帝 第1名:成吉思汗 成吉思汗以战养战,创立了版图最大的国家蒙古帝国,在13世纪的时候,其版图扩及了人类文明世界的80%,可说是几近占领了全天下。 前后共灭亡了四十多个国家,还入侵了中国、欧洲、印度、埃及、朝鲜、日本、越南、爪哇,等国。 第2名:秦始皇 秦始皇结束群雄割据局面,实现了中原的统一,使中原进入了中央集权的时代。…bowlion in penguin • 4 years agoMarvellous as The Emperor PenguinWalk tall and with pride, the emperor penguin is a peaceful and social creature. To live as the emperor penguin is to conform to a calling. Finding a mate and doing what must be done for the the…fitzroy in emperor • 4 years agoAn Emperor's BrotherWith the first emperor in our minds, we should also be aware of the extended family too. Chengjiao was the half brother of the would be emperor. He was titled as the Lord of Chan'an. History is…fitzroy in history • 4 years agoThe First Emperor and FamilyQin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China. Born in the Qin dynasty, he was the son of prince Yiren (who would ascend the throne in later years). His mother was reported to be Zhao Ji, but…fitzroy in emperor • 4 years agoThe First EmperorThe unification of china, a significant part of history that saw the first named emperor, Qin Shi Huang come to power. This conquest is highly referenced in many works of media and I will be…