New: discourseAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangamesnewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzwamblurtblockaimusicblurtlifeblurtindiamemeblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppscloudblade in cn • 3 years ago受害者有罪论受害者有罪论 社会上充斥着不当的言论, 也就是不当的思想. 许多人不声援受害者, 反而是声援加害人. 不同情受害者, 反而指责受害者. 当加害者被判刑之后, 还想着帮加害者开脱, 或者替其减刑. 比如指责 受害者的穿着曝露 ; 受害者的车辆/住家没上锁 ; 是受害者自个走路不小心而滑倒的, 不是路面不好 ; 受害者不该于夜晚单人行走于无人小道上 ;…pedrobrito2004 in politics • 4 years agoHalf truths and Half lies."The most dangerous lies are the slightly disfigured truths." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg Source of the image and the quote. Not long ago, I came across this quote about truths and lies…