New: classicalmusicAll contentvideoburnbotkractifitblurtr2cornellartgamesblurtgermannewszzanphotographyaimusicblurtblockmemewamblurtindiablurtlifelolzjapanHotTrendingNewDAppsjnetsworld in music • 2 years agosleeping lotus - joep beving▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello World. I’ve been floating in Spaceship JNET, in solitude for a long while now. And this piece Sleeping Lotus has woken me from a malaise that has become a…jnetsworld in piano • 3 years agopassepied - claude debussy▶️ Watch on 3Speak Playing with light & shadow. I'm getting better at dancing with the light. When I started my fascination of playing while manipulating light, I thought I would give myself…jnetsworld in piano • 3 years agoi giorni - ludovico einaudi▶️ Watch on 3Speak ▶️ 3Speak Playing with light and wide angle lens. 🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅 Sunset conversation Dancing with the light To brush among angels With a melody 😇 JNET