passepied - claude debussy

in piano •  3 years ago 

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Playing with light & shadow.

I'm getting better at dancing with the light. When I started my fascination of playing while manipulating light, I thought I would give myself a seizure. Entering and staying in character, I think of my hands as dancers. A pair of sunglasses helps in the blinding light.

Wide angle lens and two mirrors refraction. It’s 5:15 pm sunlight. (I manipulated the arpeture) It’s sauna steaming hot at the piano but I like the way these long sleeves look in the light. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe I’ll record a better version when the weather cools off 🙃

I've listened to many versions of this piece and everyone plays it faster. The Passepied is a dance from the Baroque period. How can anyone dance at such speed? People wore big dresses back then with corsets, petticoats, and hoops! Having studied and performed as a dancer has enhanced my experience of music. I feel music differently. I breath and enjoy the transitions. I find places like ritardandos, in the music, a place to languish, tease, flirt. There's technique but dance enjoys more organic expression. Less metronome and more heartbeat. I imagine parts where if I was on stage, how would I move? How would I use my costume? Passepied makes me think of a certain pride that a courtier indulges when romanticizing pastoral life. A dance that is measured and restrained with a tinge of wildness.

The recording is far from perfect. But I enjoy the ohallenge that the piece demands. I like my students to see my process. Maybe I will post a better version down the road. How to stay serene in blinding light while wondering …. should I put on a bikini to be more comfortable? Do the mirrors need adjusting? Once the light bends a different way, the effect changes. These are the thoughts that bounce in my head while I work out the choreography of hands in the light. Plus wondering if I drank too much or too little coffee. Will this sound better with wine instead or winter weather? I can't turn on a fan or have the AC on. That would be an annoying background sound. I'm hot and I'm controlling my thoughts so that you don't watch angry moody hands.

Passepied is a fun piece. Now that its later in the day, I think I will play it for fun, no mirrors, and no camera to fuss with. If you want to hear a better version, come over 😬


jnet at the piano2.jpg

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Glad you are still popping by from time to time. :)

Looks like this years pandemic might be monkeypox, so don't be going near any zoos there or they might need to quarantine you. 😂

Hope all is well with you and the bug.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi J,

Thanks for the hello. It’s means a lot to hear from an old friend :) Trinity and I are doing well but find the $7.29 a gallon price crazy. I hope life gets normal soon but I’ve been waiting for three years. The world has no shortage of wacky and weird. But there is a shortage of my favorite whiskey! Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey!

I won’t be going near any zoos. I already live in the circus 🙃

Stay well and I hope you’re having a fantastic summer.


It seems obvious to me they have no plans on letting anything ever go back to how it was sadly.

I never pictured you as having a favorite whisky lol.

I finally got to enjoy your video. Ever since I was a child I've loved the piano. I know most consider it to be a percussion instrument but I've always viewed it as the a string instrument that offers the most diverse potential of all the stringed instruments.

I'm finally settling in (I moved two months ago) I think other than some loose ends to tie up. Hoping will be a great summer. I was happy to see lightning bugs still thrive here. They've went extinct in so many places. I love being out in the night away from light and it's always had a magical quality watching them blink in the dark.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

More of these posts please 🙏🏻
Enjoyed it very much.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you! 🥰

Wow amazing

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

🥰 feeling the love. Thx!