New: birdAll contentkrblurtburnbotvideoactifitgamesphotographyartblurtgermanzzannewsblurtblocksteemr2cornellwamresearchadventurephotohealthdiscussionHotTrendingNewDAppsmonirrohan in blurt-192372 • 21 days agoParrot 🦜🦜🦜Among the world's most scholarly animals are parrots. Their vivid wings, captivating wants to call, and talent to communicate create them well-liked. Physical ascribes: Parrots usually…mdshazzad in blurtphoto • last monthটেম টিয়া পাখি।অনেক ভালো একটা পাখি।সব সময় কাছে থকে কামড়াই না। অনেক কথা বলে।freedomno1 in actifit • last monthMy Actifit Report Card: January 22 2025Checking out some cool bird art with the rolex This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on actifit.ioriyanur in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoNFT Art :- Bird art🌺Hello🌺 Assalamualaikum. I am Riya Nur. I came with you with a brand new nft art. Hi every members of the Tron Fan Club community and the Chief Executive, Executive, Moderators and the…ranesta in blurt-192372 • 2 months agoBlack And White Photography Post 1148Rules to follow in this Black & White photography challenge: Your own photo Black and white images that represent any positive meaning in life Present one or two image every…bluesky01 in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoBurung merpatiBurung yang dikenal sebagai binatang yang hidup berkelompok. Biasanya bukan hanya satu burung saja tetapi banyak burung merpati yang ada di tempat yang sama sama. Burung merpati yang juga binatang…marc-allaria in blurt-177869 • 3 months agoA FEW CAPEVERDIAN BIRDSA FEW CAPEVERDIAN BIRDS 6 PHOTOS - CAPEVERDE Fr En Voici une sélection de quelques oiseaux du Cap-Vert qui ont la particularité d'avoir comme point commun de ne manger que…ranesta in blurt-192372 • 3 months agoBlack And White Photography Post 1117Rules to follow in this Black & White photography challenge: Your own photo Black and white images that represent any positive meaning in life Present one or two image every…happyphoenix in blurt-131902 • 3 months agoDua Pasang Burung Perkutut - Two pairs of turtle dovesDua Pasang Burung Perkutut - Two pairs of turtle doveskingparvez in blurt-1787181 • 3 months agoMy pet birdAssalamu Alaikum/Hello Friends of my ecoer Community I'm @kingparvez from Bangladesh Having a bird at home can change the atmosphere of your entire home. A variety of army colored birds…luluwinda in blurt • 5 months agoBurungBurung-burung yang sedang hinggap di batang pohon .Beberapa burung yang terlihat tenang di tempat tersebut. Dodekatin hanya diam saja Burung-burung yang memiliki bulu yang bagus dan berwarna.…abir-17 in blurt-188398 • 6 months agoBajrica bird photographyAssalamu Alaikum/Hello Friends of my blurt space Community I'm @abir-17 from Bangladesh I have been very busy all day since morning. After the whole day's busyness, I came again to share…marc-allaria in blurt-178594 • 6 months agoFOU BRUNFOU BRUN 5 PHOTOS Fr En Les fous bruns sont des oiseaux marins de grande envergure extrêmement spectaculaire lors de leur moment de chasse. ils plongent alors tête première…marc-allaria in blurt-178594 • 7 months agoBIRD IN THE OCEANBIRD IN THE OCEAN 4 PHOTOS Fr En Il y a toujours des oiseaux qui viennent nous tenir compagnie durant une traversée. Voici ceux qui sont venus autour du bateau lors de la…daisyphotography in starling • 7 months agoIncredible …. Talking Starlings #shortsThese birds are incredible. They can perfectly mimic the human voice … and the robotic voice of Alexa.bluesky01 in blurt • 8 months agoBurungBeberapa burung yang ada di halaman. Burung-burung tersebut baru saja terbang kemudian berisitirahat sebentar dengan berjalan di sekitar tempatnya Burung-burung ini adalah burung merpati. Birung…ravenkim in dog • 9 months ago개인가? 새인가?개인가? 새인가? 새로 비유되다가 개로 비유되는 것이 좋은 것인가? 나쁜 것인가? 근데 원래 새가 아니라 재활용 안되는 무생물 아니었던가?puspasari in blurt • 9 months agoBurungBurung-burung yang sedang diam dan juga hinggap pada satu tenpat. Dua burung yang berbeda Kedua burung ini walaupun berada di tempat terbuka tetapi tidak bisa terbang jauh karena kakinya di…ravenkim in bird • 9 months ago새판새가 지가 쓴 똥낙서가 부끄러워 공개를 하지 않는다. 부끄부끄 부끄러워 기레기는 뭐하나? 계란말이 먹으러 줄서지dewiasih in hitamputih • 9 months agoFotografi Hitam Dan Putih #392Di bawah ini adalah aturan yang harus diikuti dalam tantangan fotografi Hitam Putih: Harus foto milik anda sendiri (diambil oleh anda) Gambar hitam putih yang mewakili setiap makna…