The Attack on Health Freedom: ReBlurt: Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot - Kate Johnston Interview 2012

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 

In a shocking interview, journalist Kate Johnston interviews Dr Rima about the attack on global health freedom. Dr. Rima courageously exposes the crimes against humanity being carried out by the World Health Organisation, Big Pharma, Governments, the UN and corporations.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is good that you can share this information here without Censorship. I may disagree, but I also believe in Free Speech.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What do you disagree about?

I am always looking for the dialogue to stop the divide and conquer politics, feel free to question my ideas. I am not antivax, I appreciate some forms of medicine but I am absolutely meticulous and will read about a medical procedure in depth for months if not years before putting any sort of medicine in or near my body.

In many case I find out I would rather the small risk of death naturally than the medically assisted survivability marketed to me by big pharma.

Here are some links exposing much of the Covid narrative, some of the assertions quite frightening really.

I have many more links, but there is so much to unpack just in that first link alone. I only found it recently and will take me weeks I'm thinking to digest a lot of it and look into some of the claims to satisfy my trust. Part of the information overload we see happening from the dualing experts are the fake duals set up to discredit those who possess a small part of the actual truth, so one must be careful in discernment.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

journalists with postmodernist sociology degrees who are pathologically incapable of separating objective information from personal perspective.

I love that quote from the first article. This demographic is very annoying to me personally.

I was actually able to make a meme out of this following quote ill be working on in bed tonight lol

This author submits a qualitative meta-hypothesis: evidence suggests over-ambitious medical technocrats, heavily funded by internationalists paranoid about population growth, have clumsily attempted medical engineering on an unprecedented scale with unclear motives. They've not only closed ranks to cover up the mess, but are trying to make the grandiose and absurd scheme work regardless.

No One: ...
Fear Monger journalists: submits a qualitative meta-hypothesis: evidence suggests over-ambitious medical technocrats, heavily funded by internationalists paranoid about population growth, have clumsily attempted medical engineering on an unprecedented scale with unclear motives. They've not only closed ranks to cover up the mess, but are trying to make the grandiose and absurd scheme work regardless.

but are trying to make the grandiose and absurd scheme work regardless.

I believe it is working. The damage done is bad, really bad. I believe we haven't even begun to see what will be unfolding in the coming 12-18 months yet that are unstoppable now just from what they've done.

I think the scheme is so outlandish, the reasons why so horrific that many could only imagine this taking place in a horror piece of fiction. Once one has an understanding towards the little bit of history they've been unable to hide away, it adds a new context beyond the bumbling fool narrative so many believe is the root of the problems.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am very fortunate that cryptocurrency supplies my main source of income, so until they shut off the internet there is nothing stopping me.

I will be straight up too, i am a Satanist who is okay with eugenics of the low IQ. if they are not educated I don't see them as an equal, i see them as a burden. This virus could have effectively been released in a country without the education to stop it if population control was the only goal, now i know thats not the case. its about a communist control grid for all of us, and I personally want to kill communists and am willing to die to not live under a communist order (including suicide). I will not be participating in society if it comes to that, ill see you guys in hell.

This is not the way I imagined reducing the population, a world war with China would have worked great... and made us money. At the end of the day, if i cant reach billionaire status i am dropping off the grid lone wolf and no one will be relevant to me at that point anyway.

I hope it doesnt come to pig farming at my buddies ranch but trespassers all have to be shot because there isn't enough to feed outsiders once they scale down the business to the traditionally farm model for a apocalypses.

It will be a dark winter is what Biden said and i am not stupid enough to doubt the words of a globalist shill have meaning.

As i always told my ex who doubted what i was exposed to in my childhood, "You have seen nothing yet, there is someone else who is greedy who hasnt even started flexing".

I am very fortunate that cryptocurrency supplies my main source of income, so until they shut off the internet there is nothing stopping me.

I considered doing that, but the US and their confusing, ever changing regulations and taxes have kept me out of it. I can see over the coming couple of years they are going to target crypto owners for their next great "war on" to utilize their much loved asset forfeiture laws.

I will be straight up too, i am a Satanist

I'm not sure what that means to you so can't comment intelligently on it. There are those who dabble, using Laveys bible thinking there is no actual deity, that it's more a handbook for indulging oneself in ways typically forbidden by puritans.

Then there are the cults who believe there is an evil deity, and seek to do as much harm as they can.

Then we have the cults created and built by the intelligence agencies, on which I've written on before. They seem to actually believe in these deities, and seek to coerce the smaller groups once they figure out the right angle of enticement.

I'm not a believer in man made eugenics. I have to much compassion, and figure that if one can view whole subsets of people as undesirable and worthy of extermination, then others can justify the same for myself and those like me.

Just like the white supremacists who have been unwitting soldiers for a group who only pretended to be aligned with them so they could be used as foot soldiers, I believe those who supported the eugenics ideas had no idea they too were little more than foot soldiers for a group who view them with as much, if not more, disdain than those supposed miscreants who were insinuated to be those targeted.

I've met many so called low intelligence people I would much rather be around than the intelligent Karens of the world. I read some years ago that those with higher intelligence are more susceptible to hypnosis/trance. Seeing how much all of us are induced into these states without being aware of it, I tend to agree on it being a tendency for the unaware.

As many communists found out after the Russian coup, once the usefulness is gone, they don't seem to want to let the soldiers just walk away. They are next on the hit list.

I don't have time to expound on it right now, but there is a reason tech was reintroduced to the world when it was, allowing the swelling of world populations to be good little worker bees and harvest the materials needed by the masters in charge. That harvest has been completed, or is near completion so the time has come to get rid of the worker bees and settle in with the fruits of their labors.

Let the world reclaim signs of what was here and start afresh after whatever event is coming they have harvested to survive. Once the world is habitable again, they will start all over again, being Gods to those primitives starting over fresh again. Played with until the need to swell the population comes again to begin the next harvest.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Every culture that has threatened me for denouncing their god is as good as dead.

I do not make a 2nd meeting with people who show me they allow powers higher than their mind control them. They are the highest form of authority or they are not someone i care to know.

in the words of one of my favorite artists, of which satanism has forged many potent artists,

"I have never met a man who was not already a god of himself" - Adam Darski (Frontman Nergal ov Behemoth)

"I have never met a man who was not already a god of himself" - Adam Darski (Frontman Nergal ov Behemoth)

While I don't consider myself or any other man to be a god, I find myself beginning to believe in the prison planet belief that we've been trapped here, lured in or thrown in somehow. Doomed to be recycled again and again for nefarious reasons, made to forget each time we are thrown back in. After a lifetime of studying perception, I must confess my ignorance still clings to me as I navigate through whatever is taking place here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The only places you will hear the word "government" brought up,

  1. Politics (IRL)
  2. Christian Depictions of Hell

This hell we live in is manufactured by the cognitive dissonance that all 3 major world falsehoods promote through their convoluted interpretations of duality, to make slaves of their followers who are submissive morons who will do as they are told, and are controlled by fear.

No sure who god is, but these people are collared by that imaginary friend of theirs and doing long term significant damage to mankind's evolution.