RE: The Attack on Health Freedom: ReBlurt: Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot - Kate Johnston Interview 2012

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The Attack on Health Freedom: ReBlurt: Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot - Kate Johnston Interview 2012

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 

The only places you will hear the word "government" brought up,

  1. Politics (IRL)
  2. Christian Depictions of Hell

This hell we live in is manufactured by the cognitive dissonance that all 3 major world falsehoods promote through their convoluted interpretations of duality, to make slaves of their followers who are submissive morons who will do as they are told, and are controlled by fear.

No sure who god is, but these people are collared by that imaginary friend of theirs and doing long term significant damage to mankind's evolution.

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To be fair, the athiestic communists proved they were not amateurs when it came to killing and making slaves of those under their control. Although I've felt for many decades now that athiesm is in its own way a religion.

The idea of duality is itself an interesting phenomena. Necessary for there to be reference points to contain an idea, yet ignoring there are often more than two points of containment possible. One could say that the linguistics themselves are a spell(ing) that traps every bit as much as it illuminates, perhaps even more.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If they were talking about a structure legal system, they are ignorantly propagating judeochristian dogma, because there is very few examples of law without the superiority of god mentioned.

Who was the highest authority to these Athiestic communists?

If you could show me a legal book that didnt have god authored in as the supreme authority, i would be surprised. Those are rare works in legal history for people to make laws that are not corrupted by the influence of Jude, Abraham and Allah.

Perhaps this will be one of those gifts where you will help me shed some ignorance.

I always assumed that since the creator of communism was an athiest (although many christians seem to push that he was a satanist), and Lenin was an atheist that the Bolshevik revolution that made what Hitler did pale in comparison an atheist movement.

While I can't speak definitively on Mao Tse tung was said to a Buddhist, which typically don't seem to address a God one way or the other, the doctrine he installed wasn't religion friendly. I also think his regime might be the best case against an Judeo Christian influence as I've never heard of a large influence of it in China, and communism itself is an athiest movement technically, although they in all cases do seem to make the state God.

They say Pol-Pot was also athiest and he wasn't a good dude to be living under either. It seems evident to me that the athiest anti religion movement has been extremely brutal when dealing with those under their control, many times worse than the religions they sought to destroy.

If you have a counter view on this I would enjoy reading on it. My assessment is that once a control grid is being installed the dynamics of ruthlessness is almost always installed to solidify control to allow for expansion, regardless of religion in the typical way religion is understood. The state and its leader(s) are now the religion.

  ·  3 years ago  ·

I did a social report on Pol-Pot in grade 6.

I have the Tao of Power (tao te Ching) as my living room center piece.

Finding a way to control people without fear, that would be a invention worth so much money it would thwart any capitalism we have ever known.

For now i can say true satanism is rooted in indian yugas, specifically Dharmatic Satanism that is firmly linked to the roots of Hedonism in ancient india. Hedonism and Buddism are synonymous with spirtual satanism in many ways, my left hand philosophy (been asked to start a church by a few in my life) was always true to the Self Deficiation and Self Worship. There is no authority higher than the self.

This self righteous authority, is also a form of monotheism.

This is where i find it odd, Sumerians which were prebabylon, had a multitheistic interpretation of religon.

Sargon of Akkad is the most ancient King in the stories of the Sumerians and Akkadians (their neighbors across 2 rivers). His parents are not documented in any form of know literature. This is literally the most ancient known ruler of a kingdom, where the paper trail ends.

Their courts had 2 outcomes. You are transparent or of light and visible in your actions, a person who keeps their word. or you are a deceiver and the darkness and unseen. The translation of Dark has stumped many theologians studying this because they interpret it as good and evil when translating Sumerian hieroglyphs, perhaps the greatest mistake they ever made as the word darkness, and absence of light is what helped solved a few ancient enigmas, not evil... Believe it or now, ancient man was worried about seeing at night, and not to see ghosts or demons...

Finding out who Sargons parents are, could reveal some very important things in history. The advanced astrology enigmas of the Sumerians are still yet to be resolved, as well as earlier things with no evidence of human life, just the monuments they made to star chart in Göbeklitepe.

I don't know a lot about the Sumerians, other than the Jews seem to have lifted some of their stories from them. I read a couple of books by Zecharia Sitchen where he claims that his translations show a creation story by aliens for the purpose of our being their workers. While I can't verify his translations and have to take his word for it, I can say it makes much more sense than the all knowing God who gets no blame for anything but credit for all things (paradox anyone).

I did find his exploration into their vast astrological knowledge to be convincing, as they possessed knowledge out supposedly superior western science didn't until recent centuries. He said they claimed to be given that knowledge from out creators from outer space.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The Sumerians were a multitheistic society that predated all forms of organized monotheistic society. Many gods were the narrative before 1 god, this cultures existence alone exposes the fraud of Babylon. Supporters with a bias for Babylon will claim a lot of the lies they told were misconceptions of roman technology that was confused as roman, not Sumerian. We know now, that in Sumerian the predisposition for Babylon was well-known and they communicated those concerns through their vast network to the throne's in Babylon.

The high ups in Babylon knew very well of the technologies the sumerians were using and also feared them, so they destroyed them like the church has done with many other cultures;

  • Mesoamericans
  • Aztecs
  • Incas
  • Mayans
  • Pagans

the all knowing God who gets no blame for anything

Brian Muraresku has a good rebuttal for any ignorant theologian who claims divinity to the snake oil tale of the great flood. The Christian and Jewish myths of creation and superior being, were first interpreted while on shrooms in Eleusis, Greece. The visions of the goddess first experienced on drugs. This narrative will destroy what's left of those disorganized faiths.

It also exposed the fraud of 100% of the non-intoxicated Christians who after Abraham and Jude claimed to have a vision of the goddess without the psychedelic component.

Sanskrit Translations Reveal the Fraud of the

Geological Evidence of the Fraud the major 3 world faiths are preeching
