The countries that locked down lost MORE people to Covid!

in covid-19 •  10 months ago 

Sweden was right: Lockdowns resulted in MORE Covid deaths, not less! My analysis of government data shows every country that didn't lock down came through the plandemic with far fewer Covid deaths than countries that did!


Very few countries refused to implement any sort of lockdown:

  • Belarus
  • Burundi
  • Iceland
  • Japan
  • Nicaragua
  • South Korea
  • Sweden
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Uruguay

These countries differed from each other in their pandemic response in many ways, but they all avoided stay-at-home orders, allowing their citizens to work, socialize, travel, and live as normal, while the rest of humanity was "flattening the curve" in isolation and quarantines.

How did it work out for them?

The best measure of a country's performance against Covid is their deaths per capita. How much of the population was killed by Covid?

Sweden is the only European country to avoid lockdowns, and was heavily criticized for doing so. "You're all going to die!" was essentially the message from the Western world's mainstream media to Sweden. And yes, they had some early deaths as the virus swept through their population. But in time, the full effect of the pandemic, and each country's response to it, is now seen.

Worldometers publishes the relevant data. Here are some of the countries that did worse than Sweden:

  • Peru
  • Bulgaria
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Greece
  • Romania
  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Chile
  • Brazil
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Belgium
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Russia
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Ukraine
  • Mexico
  • China
  • dozens more

In other words, most of the world lost more of their citizens to Covid than Sweden did!


As for the other countries that didn't lock down, such as Japan? They did even better than Sweden did, recording almost no deaths from Covid at all.

Locking down was, in all cases, the wrong thing to do.

Lockdowns didn't work to prevent Covid deaths. In fact, they greatly increased Covid deaths. And that's to say nothing about the secondary harms, such as elderly people dying alone, developmentally-delayed children, suicidal teens, addictions, economic turmoil, loss of freedom, families divided, and more.

Here in Canada, the mainstream (state) media screamed "the healthcare system is about to collapse" nonstop from Spring 2020 until Summer 2022. They're still threatening that it's likely to happen, if people don't take more booster shots when the next variant comes around.

Many of us are now informed that Covid was never a serious threat to individuals or society, and in the fullness of time, are realizing many of the countermeasures deployed failed miserably. Contact tracing did not stop the virus. Masks did not stop the virus. The "vaccines" did not stop the virus. And now, it's very clear that lockdowns did not stop the virus.

In fact, what's left? Is there anything we were told to do that actually wound up being good advice? The only thing I can think of is... maybe... proper handwashing. Maaaybe. Literally none of the restrictions or measures worked, and many actually did a lot of harm. Most people were better off going about their regular lives, as normal. What we needed, but weren't told about, was sunlight, socialization, exercise, fresh air, sleep, vitamins C, D, and Zinc... love... some colloidal silver or oregano oil if needed. Maybe Ivermectin for active infections. But all those things were truly safe and effective, so they had to be suppressed in favour of lockdowns and injections.

The whole world got Covid in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Weakened variants continue to circulate, as with any endemic virus. Countries that deployed lockdowns made the Covid plandemic worse in all ways for their citizens. They told us we had to go into house arrest to save lives. It ended up killing a lot more people. Let's remember that when they try to put the world back into lockdown. Sometimes, noncompliance is your best chance at survival.



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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

The lockdowns did nothing but prove to preppers how dangerous common stupid people are—never trust people who blindly follow the government.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Being mentally prepped came in quite handy during the plandemic, lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, psychological pressure, etc.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Absolutely, it's essential, life was disrupted but if you already live a more off-grid lifestyle you wouldn't feel a difference. If you depend on a shopping center lifestyle, your world would have flipped upside down.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

I'm jealous of Sweden. What a fucking shit show nightmare it was here. I've never seen so many vindictive, self-loathing virtue-signallers so eager to use a pregnant lady as a doormat for their hang-ups. I bet they gave themselves gold stars each time they successfully harassed a maskless pregnant woman to tears, or blocked her from basic medical care or accessing the grocery store. The low-level scrubs were the worst.

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

I'm almost certain the injustices won't be identified, resolved, or punished anytime soon. But I'm almost certain they will at some point. I think we're going to have to do our best to "just get over it" for now, even though we've been put through things nobody should ever have to experience.

COVID, the world can't forget it in a jiffy. The death rate was much and everyone was scared if it won't be a pandemic that would wipe the whole world

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Everyone said Africa would suffer the worst because they don't have a large and strong healthcare system, like the West. But Africa mainly ignored Covid - very few heavy lockdowns, or mandates. Most people just went about their lives, and Covid had little or no effect in Africa. The healthcare system did not collapse. In fact, Africa had less cases and less deaths than anywhere else. It seems places that used countermeasures like lockdowns did poorly, and places that ignored the pandemic did well. For example, the Amish are a religious group in the USA which does not participate in technology. They don't have TV, or internet, or phones, or even electricity. They live a very simple life, and do not participate in the mainstream news or culture. When asked why they didn't have any problem with Covid, while everyone else in the USA did, they replied "because we don't watch TV".

because we don't watch TV".

The statement above sound funny and i can't believe such group exist in USA. I taught such primitive groups exist in Africa alone.

And concerning African, there are various rumors towards why it was difficult for COVID like our skin color, genetic etc. One thing I know is that in Nigeria we always have various medication for any type of ailments. Either working or not people will start giving different solution. I remember during COVID-19 lots of news that people should start taking ginger, bathing with salt, etc and lots of local medicine

Covid is a bad memory that is still latent. A few days ago I published a post about this terrible memory.

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

I read your post, which isn't about Covid. I would normally give you an upvote anyway, but I see you are buying votes from CTime, and I don't support such content.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Was it all a farce?

Undoubtedly. The project to vaccinate a large number of the population, if not the entire population, did not work.

I have read that the first "vaccines" were not vaccines, but a way to eliminate so much population on the planet, similar to the 2023 agenda that is being promoted to prevent new births, inserting a new gender ideology into people's psyches, the total decriminalization of abortion (in Colombia you can have an abortion within one day of giving birth) and a lot of policies that try to prevent the multiplication of human beings.