Germany's top doctor admits Covid vaxxines are dangerous

in covid-19 •  2 years ago 

German Minister of Health Dr. Karl Lauterbach has conceded he was wrong about the safety of Covid injections, stating he always knew 1 in 10000 doses would cause problems. Lauterbach was responsible for Germany's response to the Covid-19 plandemic, including lockdowns, masks, "vaccines", restrictions, and mandates. He appeared on mainstream news programs across Europe to demand more people take the shots. Now, he admits that 1 in 10000 doses leads to health effects, and that can include serious illness or disability. The wall of lies is beginning to crumble and fall!


Image: Wikimedia Commons by Martin Kraft License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Speaking on the Heute Journal TV program, Lauterbach agreed that the injections cause "severe disability". He had previously said numerous times that there were no side effects. "Why a minority of society does not want a side-effect-free vaccination, even though it is free and can save their lives and those of many others. Therefore, I am pessimistic about voluntary sacrifices for climate protection." - August 2021

This week, Dr. Lauterbach apologized for that tweet, saying it "did not represent my true position. I’ve always been aware of the numbers". When shown a segment of young Germans destroyed by the shots, he said "there are severe disabilities, and some of them will be permanent."

not safe.png

As many have since pointed out, the good doctor is still covering his ass and understating things. For example, the real numbers are about 1 in 1000 doses leads to DEATH of the recipient. Not 1 in 10000 doses causing injury.

How many people were swayed to take the injections by their country's highest-ranking health official, who repeatedly promised there were no side effects and that it would stop transmission? How many died, or are permanently disabled? And all he can do is say "woops"?!

This guy was pushing HARD for "vaccine passports" - requiring everyone to carry and show digital identification and health information, keeping unvaxxed people in their homes. So he was not only lying about the shots being safe, he was taking away people's basic rights if they refused.

By October 2022, the Paul Ehrlich Institute had already received 333,492 COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions reports in Germany, according to official data.

Around the world, how many times did we hear variations of "safe and effective" all through 2021 and most of 2022?

unsafe & ineffective not a vaccine.png

It was never safe, nor effective, and many of them knew all along! Now, some of them are confessing it!

Germany's Lauterbach is part of a crumbling wall. He's not the first to admit the shots are dangerous, and he won't be the last. 2023 has been full of official announcements and other revelations about the harms from this bioweapon.

The majority now understand the "vaccine" doesn't work, and is hurting a lot of people. But with the world on the brink of WWIII and peace so far away, not to mention an international escalating banking crisis, it's hard to know what to do. There's a temptation to say "it's in the past, let's just focus on the future". Perhaps it is easier to let it go, realizing how hard it will be to punish those responsible. Justice doesn't come easily. Maybe we had better just let it slide?

That's what the guilty are hoping we'll do.

I think that would just allow them to get away with something even worse next time. These lying public health officials and their puppetmasters are career criminals. What do you do with criminals? You arrest them, you put them before a judge, and you punish them. You remove the threat to public safety. I don't think we should let these monsters get away with just saying "woops".



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Of course they are not safe. They were rushed out, novel technology with a history of failure and the studies were incomplete. These shots are not vaccines and will go down as the worst medical mistake. I personally know people wrecked by this vaccine.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The guy looks like a combination of a bunch of creepy people I know. It's like a triple X movie..."The VaXXXinated".

Posted from

Oh, this info is huge!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow! at least another proof that vaxx is no good.

Posted from

Can I call this Diabolical in nature or human sacrifices in disguise. How can we tell if the vaccine injected on top politicians are injected to the masse.

Lauterbach is a sick evil deviate...


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