Corona cases rise in China, a city of 9 million people in lockdown

in corona •  3 years ago 

China has ordered the lockdown of the northeastern city of Chungcheon, which has a population of 9 million, following an increase in Corona cases due to the Omi Kron.
People have been told to stay indoors, according to the Associated Press. A person in the house can go out after two days to get the necessities. All citizens must be tested three times at intervals.
In addition, unnecessary business centers will remain closed and public transport on various routes will also remain closed.
A total of 397 cases of corona were reported in China on Friday, with 98 cases reported in the province. Since last week, 1,100 cases have been reported in the province.
Only two cases were reported in Chungcheon on Friday and a total of 78 cases have been reported so far in recent days. The government has said many times that if one or two cases are reported in a community, it will be locked down.
There were 93 cases in a town near Jillian. Authorities have already ordered the lockdown of half the city and closed several travel routes.
Several administration officials have been fired after cluster cases surfaced at Jillian Agricultural Science University, while students complained on social media that those who tested positive were being locked up in libraries and other buildings. Is.
The university reported 74 cases and quarantined more than 6,000 students.
China Corona Cases Jillian Omi Kroon urdu news

SourceCorona cases rise in

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