in cooking •  last year 

*In almost every Philippine town fiestas or gatherings, Pork Menudo can be seen in the dining table. This is one of the favorite “putahe” (dish) served and this was the reason why different variations of this dish existed.
•Many Pork Menudo recipes include hotdogs (pinoy red hotdogs), green peas, or garbanzos and others would add sun dried raisins too. I think that it is a regional thing because almost different provinces have their own version.

•Pork Menudo has become a staple when it comes to fiestas and gatherings. If you were ever to go to one of these events. There is a high chance that a random pork menudo would show up right in front you. That’s how popular this dish is.

•Whenever there’s a celebration of some sort, people could almost say that there’s not really a menu when there’s no pork menudo!

•Green Peas
•Tomato Paste
•Soy sause
•Ground Black Pepper

*Our Main Ingredients for this Recipe: The Pork (cut into cubes)

•Saute the Garlic and the Onion, add the pork..fry until the pork becomes brown...add the carrots, sayote and the potatoes, pour a water, add the seasonings, ground black pepper, soy sauce, tomato paste and the green peas.. Cover and Simmer for atleast 15 mins. or until the pork and the vegetables becomes tender/soft.

•The cooking part is a straightforward process. You’re just going to cook each of the ingredients one after the other. When simmering the pork, it is important to cook it in low heat so that it will become tender and will be easy to eat. Stir the stew while cooking once in a while to avoid some of the ingredients sticking to the cooking pot.

•You can serve pork menudo not only during special occasion but during any lunch or dinner. I suggest that you always pair it with freshly cooked white rice, it is a full meal in itself.

*Have A Wonderful Saturday To All Of Us!🤗😘


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