in clay •  3 years ago 

Koala clay.jpg

Where do we come from?

Blurt settings give me an open space to write about "Location". On my facebook account I wrote: "I came from God. I am going back to God." Later my boss read this and thought it was some kind of joke. I am completely serious about where I came from. I really don't know.


There is no way anyone could know for certain where they came from or why they are existing. We know by faith and that is about all we can go on. We look around at the world and things existing. We look at the records of history from evidence of ages past. Some artifacts purposely left behind and some artifacts uncovered that never were meant to be yet now they are all known.

For a proper investigation following the lines of scientific method an experiment should contain a constant variable and a controlled variable. The problem is that while recording data it is too easy to infect, affect or influence the variables. I'm not sure if it is possible for a researcher to make accurate observations without disturbing the subject. Every time I make an observation I end up getting involved.

A little slab of clay

Although I cannot say exactly where I come from I can say that my basic building blocks are dust. Besides trace elements of minerals we are mostly CCHNOPPSS or in the eyes of an organic chemist:


Clay is not to far off in consistency and that is one of the reasons I am playing with clay. We had two weeks of quarantine. Usually people buy water or toilet paper before quarantine. We bought a huge lump of clay. I wasn't sure what we were going to do with it, but we wanted to make that clay come to life. Maybe you remember the story of Gumby. He was once a little green slab of clay. But the magic worked and he started to walk and talk and jump and play.

Anyone with a heart and an imagination and a lump of clay can make that clay come to life. My little creation is a Koala named Koko. I kept him around for a couple of days during quarantine and then turned him into something else.

Sir Butterknife

It started from a cold hard hunk. We took to the clay rubbing it and kneading it to make the clay soft and warm. At first it was like a rock in some parts. It took a lot of finger strength to make it smooth and workable. My oldest son liked to make clay statues similar to Keith Haring style.

They are kind of like a fat stick figure with a round head. The one he is working on here is named "Sir Butterknife". He is one of the knights of the Clay Table. His quest is to ride to the Island of Spam and slice it.

My youngest son tried to decorate the island with clumps of clay that he called "sky scrapers". He then dug tunnels for his match box cars and called it Clayhattan Island. He also made a snake that crawled up besides the Koala figure.


Swamp Thing

When it was drying up we tried to mix more water but then the clay was more sloppy to use. My youngest son thought he was crushing grapes to make wine. They tried to use a hanger to make a skeleton support but what they got turned out more like a Swamp Monster.

We have been watching "The Secrets of Sulphur Springs" and were inspired by Mold Man to make some sort of swamp thing. We just call it Swamp Thing.


Our Clay Island is like a Block Chain

So I gave you a nice set up.
Are you hungry for the punchline already? You deserve a punchline.
Swamp Thing is cute but he is not the punchline. This is all just part of the set up.

Guess what? I'm just going to lead you into more set up. I am going to speak out of my ass about the genesis of crypto.

Very much like our clay structures, crypto originates from the dust of code. Together that dust combines to form a block of code. Like our islands are connected, a blockchain is distributed by shared nodes on a computer. In the Hive blockchain we see that witnesses keep those nodes running. In our clay city we see a very simple pattern of buildings and structures stored in clay. But on the blockchain information is stored in a digital format through code.

In our clay island we have roads and tunnels and plays to keep toy cars. In the block chain we have the ability to store information. It becomes a decentralized immutable record of transactions. One big difference between a clay database and a blockchain database is the way in which a blockchain is structured. Clay structures can be built and torn down or mixed with water. Block chains store information until they are full and then they are locked. You can't just add water and make Swamp Monsters with block chains.

Forked and Fried

The greatest similarities between our clay island and the blockchain is Sir Butterknife himself.
On our Clay Island the Spam is cut with a knife and fried by Sir Butterknife.

On the blockchain the Spam is forked and fried.

This is the wonder of open source.


A contribution from the over active imagination of my 6th grade son. I wonder if I have to tell him to stop watching South Park.

Dust in the Wind

Knead I say anything more.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

my family origins are in a poor part of Hungary that was previously Ukraine lol it was written over by history so there is no story to tell, just an area we know our great, great, great, great, etc... grand father was once leaving to avoid war like is happening now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for sharing @phusionphil,

It's the story of many families including my own. Because of the Prussian war and World War 1 my great grandparents etc had to get on a boat and became refugees, immigrants and FOBs. I do have a detailed record on my father's side published and documents on my mother's side. I can trace back to Barbarian times and then there is nothing. There are some stories that our ancestors were woodsmen and the Romans could never pass them. Anyway they were all dust. On my mom's side they were a peaceful people living in a small village near Pisa. One day a dictator took over and they also had to leave their country. Looking at our ancestry helps us remember who we are, extremely unique but as fragile as pottery.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not sure if Barbarians are the same as Berbers, but i watched an interesting documentary on the Berber people yesterday.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There are some similarities in Berbers and Barbarians but they are two different people groups.

Most of my ancestors consisted of SCHNAPPS and some other dust particles with a little breath of life to help them spin around.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As a spiritual person I believe the bible that we came from dust from the ground, fashioned by God himself and we actually go back as a nutrient rich fertilizer (or ash).
It boggles my mind that I am not existing a billion years ago then suddenly I am witnessing how it is to live although not normally unfortunately. But the good thing is that after this life there will be a chance to live with God and that is my goal and not clinging to this life which is fast to go and temporary @mineopoly :)

I also think like you...👍

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sharing @cryptopie,

The words from the Bible are from Genesis 3 "and to dust you will return". These are the words some churches say on Ash Wednesday. The passage talks about the results of sin. It also looks forward to a way of salvation.

I read this sentence and remembered some of your treatments and how much your life has changed.

It boggles my mind that I am not existing a billion years ago then suddenly I am witnessing how it is to live although not normally unfortunately.

Eternity encompasses today, tomorrow and a billion years ago. I am sure some part of you belongs to eternity. In Mark 12:25 Jesus says, "When the dead rise... they will be like the angels in heaven." Until that time comes, continue to enjoy every breath in this jar of clay and never let go of the treasure inside.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am still thankful about my life, what is important that there is something put there where the real life free of all the bad things and I guess I will be one of those who will appreciate it much because I haven't had any much joy in this lifetime where I know the end is a bitter defeat no matter how long I had fought. @mineopoly

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your struggle of faith. You win the victory every day.

I believe in God, and that he created me from the dust, and then when I die I will return to dust until God returns for his people and we are resurrected to have eternal life, that is, to be immortal. that's my belief.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are blessed. I believe the same. Even my reasoning supports my belief even though I don't have much evidence.

I thought maybe this belief would be crazy for you, I'm glad you have the same belief. 😉

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What I know is very limited. That's where faith begins. ♥️

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