However, an unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits cause our skin to age prematurely.

in cjsdns •  3 years ago 

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Men and women, everyone wants to keep his age. Keeping age means staying younger. Not the idea of age on the face. As time goes on, our age naturally grows and its marks appear on our faces.

Aging is actually a very simple process. Normal and physical processes, as we call them. Everyone's age increases with age, one day, one hour, one minute, our years increase. And fighting aging is not about stopping age but there is no way to erase age. But we can make a mark by making the years so beautiful.

The first thing I can say about the signs of aging we often see is texture. The way the baby's face or baby's skin looks and as a person begins to grow, the texture often begins to change. We all have sepsis glands in our skin, which often produce a tendency to soften the body, and as we get older, that activity gradually decreases. Whenever we lose weight, our skin will naturally dry out. After that we get dry skin. This is the first sign of old age. The second is color. As we grow older, a variety of color markers appear on our skin. For example, we can find brown spots, yellow areas, different types of spots; It can have a sunburned face, it can have a sandamage face.

Thirdly, different types of wrinkles, fine lines can be seen on our skin. Especially around the eyes, the upper face. Whatever it is, near your eyes, when we smile we see the steps of a crow or what we call the equivalent of a cross. When we frown on our foreheads, we see fine lines. When we smile, some funny lines on both sides of the nose ... these appear slowly. These symptoms of aging are very common and very common. But if we know more then, as we begin treatment, these fine lines do not extend to the next end. At the same time I would say another, we have collagen and elastin on our skin. Normally everyone's skin produces collagen daily, producing elastin, which keeps the skin firm. But as we grow older, our collagen production slows down, and elastin production slows down. As a result, our skin tone becomes dull. According to a survey, we have a seven percent drop in every ten years; Collagen synthesis, elastin synthesis, these. That’s why our skin tone tends to be round.

In the external pollution we see, many people are getting old in the last 10 years. So these things happened very quickly. Our way of life is very stressful now. We get up many nights, we have food. We eat a lot of junk food, we eat foreign food, when there is no balance in the food. Food can be directly involved. In addition, over the years, parts of the ***, which keeps us strong, gradually lose the volume of this ***. Then hanging a man's skin ... it's a sign. Most of our sisters are slowly getting weaker and weaker.

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