Excessive drinking of water can cause problems in today's report:

in cjsdns •  3 years ago 

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  1. Hyponatremia, eg low levels of sodium in the body, is associated with inflammation of the brain. Such problems are more common in older patients.

  2. If there is a head injury, decay, heart problems, there is often hyponatremia. Affects visualization of brain hydration.

  3. In the case of dehydration, it can detect neurons sensing neurons in the brain, but in the case of overcrowding, these neurons cannot. Investigators think this is the root of the problem.

  4. Following the investigators' warnings, from now on, from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, drinking a glass of water all day, you should keep a record of your daily routine.

  5. Do you have a bad habit of drinking water regularly? Eat something or not, do you drink water in a hurry? But the danger!

  6. It is important to drink enough water to keep the body healthy. But that means, drinking too much water can impair salt balance and increase the risk of various diseases. So it is best not to drink water when you are not thirsty.

  7. Heavy foods, such as drinking water after breakfast, lunch or dinner are not healthy habits at all. Even if you drink water before a meal, you should not drink water at the same time after a meal. Also avoid drinking water regularly while eating.

  8. A small amount of water can be used after a simple exercise. But you should not drink water after strenuous exercise. In fact, many minerals are released through sweat during exercise. To make up for this shortfall, coconut water can be consumed after exercise. But not water at all.

Fortunately, after prolonged exercise, the body temperature rises sharply. Drinking cold water at this time cannot keep up with body temperature and outdoor natural temperatures. This can lead to digestive problems.

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