RE: You've Been Lied to about Cancer

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You've Been Lied to about Cancer

in cancer •  last year 

It isn't the "cooking" - that's just part of the con to only allow discussions of "thermal effects" - any science journalist trying to write some reality will be censored and sacked.

It is the complex array of frequencies - the pulses, the clicks one can sometimes hear next to a speaker - from the carrier frequency, which has always been a fraction of the resonances of both water and oxygen, to the bursts of signals - all then superposed on each other. This is the technique used in imaging protocols - to look inside - but, of course, phones can't do that... coz the telcons say so.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Telcos are truly evil. On a par with pharmascum.
I can't think of a way to protect oneself - you can't walk around in a Faraday cage!
All one can do is wrap one's phone in aluminium foil - that does kill it - so you don't have a radio transmitter next to your organs all the time. Then unwrap it if and when you need to use it.

The extra layer of evil is that living inside a Faraday cage for any length of time is also likely to be unhealthy because it also blocks the natural Schumann frequencies that envelope the Earth. All creatures seem to use those frequencies as background support, including sleep patterns, as those frequencies are the same as brain frequencies for humans.

  ·  last year  ·  

cripple the masts - single point of failure - the energy source.

  ·  last year  ·  

Dang I have apparel, but I didn't think about the natural frequencies I don't want to block. I only use it, like now, when I am in unusual frequencies. gonna have to think about this one.

I bought a faraday cage, at great expense, for my phone, and it doesn't work. Dang thing rings and receives texts while it's in there. (boncharge company). Foil works, but it's a pain to unwrap and rewrap, and the foil rips easily.

  ·  last year  ·  

just buy a pouch of the correct size and line the inside with foil - but make sure properly wrapped when closed, else signals can leak in.

mmm... EMFs travel in the air and bounce off objects - is very easy to accidentally create a microwave enclosure that actually concentrates the waves! If you're into this then best to use an EMF meter. You can use your phone as an EMF meter, but only for the frequencies it operates with - but that's still a start - to avoid making things worse. lol

  ·  last year  ·
none of those ring a bell - I'll see if I find the one I saw a few years ago.
Anyway, the tech seems all similar = synthetic mesh with copper or silver woven in.
Unless you really need to see through it, such as a net curtain, then id stick with the much much cheaper foil.
But do take note of the accidental oven effect, eg can shield all the walls and yet signals come in through the floor!

  ·  last year  ·  

hehe, been saying this for some years:
not that we were talking about sleep in particular, but this is yet another problem with always-on-microwave-pollution.
I was looking for a different experiment...

  ·  last year  ·  

is in this video

  ·  last year  ·  

OK, was the Wever experiments.
Note how Wankipedia have edited out that astonishing finding in

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you for all this information!!! I've just started looking at it all.
I can probably fortify the faraday pouch with foil, and see it that helps. On those rare occassions when I need to have my cell phone on my person and able to receive signals, I put a few layers of foil between me and the phone.

  ·  last year  ·  

great resource, thanks.

  ·  last year  ·  

Some of the most exclusive luxury hotels in the world have gone "emf-free" - not for health, I suspect, but for privacy issues. So, some of these materials are not bullshit - they work - but only as part of a whole emf-free design. So also worth investigating how professionals would do it - then maybe check similar but cheaper alts, if needed.

Also worth investigating an EMF meter - they tend to be expensive, so might be cheaper to locate an EMF engineer - they do exist, esp for electrosensitivity investigations.

  ·  last year  ·  

That's also interesting because I bought a radiation blocking blanket to help me sleep, and can't sleep at all when I am using it. I now use it when I am sitting at a computer, and that's about it.

  ·  last year  ·  

mmm... like I said in another comment - I suspect you're creating a microwave trap - what is underneath you? a mattress, I guess. lol.