There is How Russia and Ukraine War is Going to affect your purchase...

in business •  2 years ago 

The History of Russia and Ukraine

The Ukrainian SSR was a original member of the Soviet Union in 1922. Then The country redeem its independence in 1991, when the communist Supreme Soviet of Ukraine announces that Ukraine would no longer follow the laws of USSR and only the laws of the Ukrainian SSR,


Why Russia Hate Ukraine

10 years ago Ukraine started get cosy with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and Russia doesn't want that for two reasons
.Reason number One because Ukraine is near Russia and NATO want to set a military base in Ukraine and Russia feel's threaten.
Reason number Two because Ukraine is the fourth largest country in teams of natural resources and Russia doesn't want NATO to have that...
So Vladimir Putin just invade Ukraine and NATO is threatening to raise sanction


Three Ways This Sanction Will Affect You

1. The energy price will be higher . This is because most of the European countries and also the united states is going to be imposing Sanction on Russia, and Russia is one of the top biggest product of energy in Europe and that's going to cause oil prices to increase so you could see, depending on what part of the country you live in we could see gas prices as much as five to six dollar, depending on how long this conflict lasts. So you want to be prepared that your energy prices are going to go up..


2. Inflation Inflation is already a major problem and it could get worse because as the cost of energy increase a lot of companies that depend on the energy will also increase their prices and it will affect us the consumer so everything will then be expensive not only gas but some of the things that we buy from the grocery store at the retailer the prices in general can go up further...


3. Market Turbulence this simply mean the stock market, investors do not like uncertainty so you will see a lot even today as Russia is till attacking Ukraine the market is going up and down and it my opinion I think the market will go a long way down so you just want to be mindful if you have investment like a 401k , Roth IRA etc you just want to be mindful of them


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I see some things differently. I think "Why Russia hates Ukraine" is misleading because it certainly doesn't apply to all the people who grew up in those countries. But I think you probably meant the governments.

Inflation, economic crisis, market turbulence are also and mainly a consequence of the political decisions of the last two years. The conflict only accelerates these points that would have happened anyway. Just my view.

Anyway, I have sent you some blurts so that you can keep posting before your first payoff.

Yeah i mean the government is very corrupt
Thanks for your opinion and i really appreciate the 10,000 blurt u send, Lol just kidding thanks 😜for the actual amount of blurt you send but i will really appreciate if u upvote my post thank you 😕