Meeting of Ulama Keram in Siratunnabi Ceremony Second lesson.

in burn •  2 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Hello friends how are you all? I hope everyone is very well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well, Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah and with your prayers and love, I am healthy, Alhamdulillah. What I am going to share with you today is the second part of what I shared yesterday. So friends without delay let's go to the main point i.e. let's discuss the main point. I am a Muslim so I try to write about what Ulama Ekram loves the most. How can a Muslim speak against scholars? It is not possible at all.


Last two days ago, I discussed about some of the Ulama Keram who came on the occasion of Siratunnabi program under the chairmanship of Madhupur Pir Saheb and I did not discuss completely about the rest. So now I started the discussion among you. You may have heard the name of Mufti Harun Ezhar. He is one of the famous scholars of Bangladesh. He is a pride of our Bangladesh. Because I have seen very few people with wisdom like him. Even when he was in prison, he was thinking about others and how he could keep them happy and peaceful.



When he came out of prison he met everyone and thought about those who were in prison. Not only that, he also thought about their family how their family can run smoothly. And he supplied every family according to their means. So friends Ulama Ekram has many contributions on every human being. Whether he admits it or not. So friends, if we discuss the contribution of Prem in Golam, the writing will not end.

So I am ending my writing here. May all be well and be healthy. I conclude my short speech here by wishing good health to all. Allah Hafeez.

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