Photography of my class room.

in burn •  2 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. Hello friends how are you all? I hope that by the grace of Allah Almighty you all are very well and healthy. Alhamdulillah I am also very well and healthy by the grace of Allah Almighty and your prayers and love. I am really sorry for not being able to present the writings properly to you due to various engagements and laziness. From now on, I intend to continue to present you articles one by one, inshallah. In fact laziness is a matter of great loss, if you are laziness you will never be able to progress and if you work hard without laziness you will surely achieve success.



If you want to judge by me, you will understand that I haven't posted in the last seven days and I have also given a gap of seven days before that. So think in 14 days I could collect atleast 25 thousand coins. But now I am oblivious to that coin. So I request you to stick to the work without laziness and post one article daily on the platform. May be your post will not be liked today, will not be liked tomorrow, may be liked after two or four days.


The photographs that I have presented to you are the photographs of our class room. When Patha Ustadji comes to the class before the students are moving randomly and sitting randomly some are lying down and some are playing ludo on mobile phones, then I collect one photograph of each of them i.e. I have collected three photographs today.

So friends, this was my article for today, so friends, I am saying goodbye here as of today. May you all be well and be healthy. Wishing you all good health, I am concluding my short speech here. Allah Hafeez.

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