Today I did food photography.

in burn •  11 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullah, Friends I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well by the grace of Allah and your prayers. I have appeared again among you, I am with another of my new writings, I hope everyone will like reading my writings and seeing the photographs.






Today I did food photography. Friends, you know that the month of Ramadan is going on for Muslims. How beautiful and peaceful the month of Ramadan is cannot be explained. He has to perform five obligatory prayers and one obligatory fast along with 20 rakats of tarabi at night. All the prayers in the month of Ramadan have been extended to a large extent. Ramadan is a month of peace, a month of mercy, a month of forgiveness. There is none more foolish and lazy than the one who cannot forgive his own sins during Ramadan. So I have taken some photographs of what I eat for Iftar after fasting in Ramadan. A good variety of food items are eaten at Iftar. Because the body needs energy after fasting all day, it will usually come from food.

Usually fried-puri at Iftari: Muri, Bande, Chhola, Potato Chop, Beguni Chop, Piyaji.
Among the fruits: pears, berries, dates and grapes are present in small amounts. I have made some syrup to eat these foods. Tokma with lemon juice and a little sugar is beautifully prepared into edible sherbets called drinks. These drinks are soft water. Eating them gives a cooling sensation in the lower abdomen and removes fatigue and restores energy to the body. It is the month of fasting so you must take care of your body through food. When you have not eaten for 12 hours the body will be eager to take some food and will be sluggish. Then eat protein rich food with vitamins and minerals and remove the body's laziness and regain energy and focus on work.

I do iftar alone because now I am currently out of the family. I took a job in a blood bank for the purpose of my life. So it is very difficult to break the fast alone away from family, parents and relatives. Everyone will pray for me and everyone will be fine and healthy.

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