Heritage Chicken Brooding Pen

in broodingpen •  11 months ago 

We had my brother-in-law make a brooding pen for the chicks.



He measured and cut the boards to be used for the frame of the brooding pen and after that he started to create and shape it.



Creating a brooding pen for heritage chickens involves careful planning and design to ensure the safety and well-being of these valuable and often rare bird breeds. Begin by selecting a suitable location, preferably in a quiet and sheltered area, and construct a secure enclosure with proper fencing to protect the birds from predators. Adequate ventilation is essential, as it helps regulate temperature and prevents humidity buildup. Inside the brooding pen, provide a comfortable, temperature-controlled environment with heat lamps or heating pads to mimic the warmth of a mother hen. Nesting boxes and clean bedding are essential to maintain hygiene and comfort. Additionally, access to fresh water and appropriate chick feed is crucial to support their growth. This brooding pen serves as a crucial space for nurturing heritage chickens and ensuring their preservation.


The chicks from day old to one month will be placed in this smaller brooding pen.


Manoy Ryan made the second brooding pen that is twice bigger than the first brooding pen..


The chickens will be transferred here after one month.


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