She's Beautiful...

in blurtwomen •  3 years ago 

First, I wasn't counting. Then suddenly, I realised how much I had lost count. It's been what...? A week and some, since my last. But today, I have something new.

Greetings to all you fine people out here. It's been long since my last article. I just got super busy preparing for the next phase of my many next phases... Lol.


Oh well, it's international women's day today the world over. So I thought 💭, maybe this is my chance to pick my mojo.

Disclaimer: Don't expect something much. Only expect something nice... 😊 So that I can deliver more.

So, if you are a female (girl, lady, woman) reading this write up, Happiest International Women's Day to you! Yes, YOU.

Now, let's hit the pause ⏸ button here for a minute, and take a sneaky off course. Shall we? Happy International Women's Day. Or #HIWD, for short, or for the hashtags... I have a question: What will the non-natural gender distortionists do, or how will they feel, or what will they say today? Hmmm...? I'm more than thinking out loud here.
Remember I said let's go off course. I called it off course because ordinarily I should have stayed with the topic with the defined gender here. But I guess it's OK to rabble some, don't you think so, too?
So those who in their "intelligence, and wisdom, and advancement" created something against nature for themselves, what'd be their take on a day like this? Not like I care at all, I just wonder what their situation would look like today. Now, these are my sentiment, I'd like to say, mildly. Still, this is corrupted —their confused state of existence.

OK. Enough of the hard line.
From the top of my head, the International Women's Day was created, like the many other special days, to recognise the woman, give her credit, encourage her, maybe spoil her some, all just to let her know that though a lot of things may not be like it should be with respect to all her innumerable efforts, we love and appreciate and wish to say THANK YOU to all women making it count regardless of the odds against them. And this recognition is being done at an international scale.

There are too many content with which to shower our love for the women in our lives, one way or the other, and this piece cannot do justice to that. But please allow me to put something together here.


The woman (and the man) has a Designer. A Creator. Like every other product that was designed or built by someone, or some company, there is an operational manual. Why? So that we can operate, make the best of and properly maintain the product for best value and service. The woman is no different.
I say this to say that with all the too many disturbing manifestations the world over, especially addressing the women, we can salvage and make the most of it all without necessarily having to pull these women down, and live falsely by shouting beautiful things about from the rooftop only on their special days. We can help them make every day special, for them, and for us all.
Well, someone would scream, WOMEN DON'T NEED SALVAGING! No. They don't —or don't they? But the narrative does. The stories do. Their lifestyles do. Their being objectified does. Their being "used" does. The list is endless. I posit that if the women are properly and rightly nurtured from their homes (if you miss it at home, you'll almost miss it for a terribly long time, if not forever), with the best manual, by both parents —male and female, except in the inevitable absence of one, the world at large will be a healthier place to live.

I do not wish to burden the women with the survival of the world. But if you take care of yours, it will take care of you!

And what's this manual I've been hinting at? It's the Bible. God's Word. Yes. You may not agree with me, yet. And that's OK, except you forever refuse to. However, when we, the men, fathers, the husbands, the male leaders in various fields, when we uphold the woman's place and values like it should be, without making it look like we are doing them a favour, oh, what a beautiful place our homes would be, and inevitably, our society at large.


I point to the Bible, to hold the men responsible and accountable, yes. But even more so, I point to the Bible because it has and gives balance! By this I mean that the woman, no matter how well nurtured, without "knowing her place, and keeping it, without usurping it," would be the bigger of the blessings!

The world today as we know it is warped. It so twisted and corrupted that the equality war being waged by the supposed nurturers of nature have left their proper place and all things are falling apart.
It is like the design of the human body. Imagine the spine crying out for justice ⚖ due to inequality. You get the picture now. The spine is no less important because it is placed somewhere at the back. Without it in its assigned role and placement the entire body system would collapse! And what would it have achieved? A "modern," "spinistic" world where life would be best remembered in the "good old days..."

If we must enjoy the blessings of and from the women as God designed it, we all must play and graciously keep our assigned roles. We can't change the world, or make it better
Truth is no matter what we do, the world is decaying and dying, and nothing can stop that. However, we can make our own world, our personal lives, families and immediate environment a better place, borrowing from the scriptures, "as much as lieth with you."

God in His infinite wisdom and design had perfected everything beautifully. As long as we follow and live by God's Word and principles, we shall escape the corruption that is in the world.

In Conclusion:
Happiest International Women's Day to every woman out there. I pray that God helping us all, we would learn to appreciate and help each other to realise that best of us. Remain blessed 🌴 in Jesus' Name, Amen.

I love you ✝️
CN Humphrey.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for taking out time to celebrate us.
We actually deserve to be celebrated on daily basis.
It's not easy to be a woman.