RE: Looking for a tech club for

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Looking for a tech club for

in blurtvip •  3 years ago 

The perfect solution would be to integrate H-E Tribe with the Blurt blockchain. You would be able to vote with two tokens with one click.

It would be like POB, except that the Hive idiots couldn't destroy the token because there is no dv on Blurt

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I could make it three tokens, TPY, VIP and blurt, if needed,

Yeah, your personal token could be distributed with an additional script as @fervi wrote

Now we need a developer or dev team to do this integration. I will donate, so no worries about the costs

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So two of us us so far will donate, two is better than 1, and all costs have to be announced, then we keep it clean, and nobody loses. I hope @ctime and @double-u join in, as then we are a team that can not be broken by anyone, full stop.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I will donate too. If this project is going to be on Hive Engine, I think we should contact Hive Engine and ask if it is possible to move their products to Blurt and about Legal Services. I mean do we need them? I think yes

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the positive vibe, the tokens on steemengine are my own copyright, and were paid for 4 or 5 years ago, so no need to ask hive for any permissions, we simply need to get the code written to include dropping TPY at the same rate as blurt rewards.
It is looking promising even early days, the cost might be very minimal and that to me sounds good.
If 4 or 5 of us fund it and each lets it just run on it's own, float oh natural, and let's anyone say anything and anyone get involved, we may have the first no rules, no blacklist, no arguments, free speech site on the planet, and at a cost of pennies per month. I think the next logical step is a place to chat about costs with a dev team, so everyone can see the chat, does that sound like a plan to you?

Btw, I would advocate that such a token should have a limited amount, something like 21 M or fixed annual inflation at a certain level?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is only 21 million of them, and there can be no more, I made them years ago on steemitengine.

I know, but I'm talking about the new token that needs to be set up with the Tribe.

I think for a start we could use the template they offer, it doesn't look too bad

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If the limit is 21 million I am okay with that and will contribute, no problem.

Do you remember how it was on POB?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You can look at my steemit engine here, it is not a trade secret

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It would be good if it had a useful tag that would take the content further, combining Hive/Tag/ TPY and blurt. It would be good if it had usability for regular people outside of the blockchain community, which is perpetually lacking....+

In addition to the TPY/HIVE pair, I would suggest a TPY/BLURT Diesel pool.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ogólnie pomysł i rozwiązania są dobre...

The perfect solution would be to integrate H-E Tribe with the Blurt blockchain. You would be able to vote with two tokens with one click.

Zastanawiam się, czy jeśli będzie to zintegrowane przez HE z blockchainem, to da mi to ten sam efekt jak z tagami? Powiedzmy, otwieram stronę i zaciągam wtyczkę, która wrzuca treść na blockchain hive, i przy odpowiednim tagu lodują na stronach treść?

To coś podobnego jak cros ferviego tylko tu mówię zewnętrzne dotarcie do blockchain ze stron WordPress. Wydaję się to bardziej potrzebne niż operowanie wewnętrzne po blockchainie, to dla ludzi co operują stronami itd. Wystarczy opcja jak strona POB z tagiem i reszta leci...

No nie wiem, problem z Hive jest taki ze będą downwotować i nigdy nie pozwolą by taki tribe się rozwinął. Pamiętaj że trajby mają swoje portfele, reward pool, gieldę, wszystko czego potrzebujemy by token poszybował na księyc ale to musi być zrobione na blockchainie bez dv

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wystarczy tag który prześle treść z hive na stronę jak POB. Wtyczka Wordpress jest i funkcjonuje wykonana przez Fredrikaa /Howo. Zdaje sobie sprawę że będą flagi z zemsty i tyle co umieszczone na hive mnie nie interesuje tylko ostatecznie gdzie ląduje np. hive tag TPY/Blurt.

No i to jest też dobre...

In addition to the TPY/HIVE pair, I would suggest a TPY/BLURT

Tylko czy odpowiednie grupy z drugiej warstwy wiemy, o kogo chodzi, i kto zawsze jest w czołówkach, nie zaczną manipulować na pool? Take akcje były...

Sounds like you know what you are talking about. You have my full support.