From every negative must come a positive.
It is law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and all that jazz.
This is the last time I want to talk about anything to do with megamouth with the god complex.
I want to get away from the blurt front end, and I care not if the fake foundation goes on for ever, not interested full stop.
I would like to invite applications for a small tech team to make a new front end attached to a website I rented for a year last night, hey you never really get to buy them, you just rent them. The site is called
As in very mother fucking important people, get it?
A totally censorship free, anything goes, no coal list, no threats to steal peoples tokens, no drones, no bombs, and no easily offended people, if the latter is you, stay away from the VIP area. Not a threat, but I dare say it will not be your cup of tea if you are easily offended, as it is going to be a free speech zone.
The rules will be? There are no rules.
I am looking for the following, and the pay is shit.
- Someone to design a new front end for the VIP area.
.2. Someone that can make it into app format too so it can easily be used on phones and tablets etc.
.3. Someone that can integrate my own tokens into it in the form of my TPY or transparency that are on the hive engine, there are 11 million of them, and a further 10 million in storage, total 21 million.
The TPY were made via steem engine so will be compatible with current code I would think as that was steemit days.
I am thinking about a site that rewards the blurt as in here and TPY as a bonus.
I will pay in tokens or in Fiat for any help.
I do not want to control the site, and would like to invite anyone to invest in setting it up, @ctime, you are invited to the VIP, @ @Double-u you are invited to the VIP, @mariuszkarowski you are invited to the VIP. The site only cost 30zl or £6 for a year, so it is hardly breaking the bank, if you guys above want to chip in a few zl or tokens to get the site started, then that would be great.
I do not know any of these people, I do know 1 of them stands for truth and decentralization in my Polish buddy @mmmmkkkk311 who is also @mariuszkarowski but I have never met any of them, and only had 2 emails in chat with the latter.
I do not want to take over blurt, hurt blurt, I/we just want a new front end where we do not have to listen to a certain persons brainfarts.
If you want to help message me, if you have the skills give me a price, if you want to come along for the ride you are most welcome, except 1 person, or 2.
If you want to join the VIP reblurt me so we get the message out, thank you.
I digress.
In the VIP I would like it if only adults joined in that can take a joke, take being called a dick head and laugh, take being called names and throw one back, not fickle little souls that are so easily offended by "EVERYTHING".....
Every article I have ever written I have a chuckle or laugh when writing it.
Even if I say "oh fucking hell" it can be read only how you in your own mind interpret it. It can be shock, astonishment, anger, joy etc, only you, yes you read into them words how you decide, not how I intend them.
I can write "what a wanker" but that does not mean someone is sitting there pulling on his dick, deck for New Zealanders, or weenies USA. It can again be awe, shock, degrading, insulting, but the end user is you, YOU decide, and if you are negative you will read into it in a negative way, but that is you, not I.
To understand English humour/humor you first have to understand we insult our best friends for fun, and they insult us back, it is nothing more than mental foreplay.
Anyway, anyone that wants to help create the total anything goes VIP lounge, let me know, I have the money if you have the time, I have the tokens too.
We can do a double edged sword, TPY and blurt tokens to get this party back upwards and stop the spiral out of control in the price, my investment is yours and yours mine, we are in it together whether we like it or not.
Anyone for VIP yet?
Have a superb day ahead, bloody hot here.
In addition to the TPY/HIVE pair, I would suggest a TPY/BLURT Diesel pool. I would exchange some Blurt for your token and the rest I would add to liquidity pool
I would agree with that, having checked steem engine, I can confirm I have TPY transparency 12,674,008 $1,445,821.92 plus 10 million in reserve, that I left with a friend, I am transparent, hence my token name.
read this
We need to do solutions, I have never done problems as they do not exist, so we will do solutions, no matter what it takes.
Good luck on that, i would like to see that running
Thank you, you have the expertise, want a job :-) 😜
You can count on me. Contact @ura-soul on Hive. He's the one who build and maybe will join the team
@fervi what do you think?
I like @ura-soul, would love him involved, the more the merrier, and he has a superb outlook on life, if it was an audition like someone has talent my vote would be yes, yes yes.
I know ura chat to him on discord and other places I tried to get him over here but he rly wanted to stick out hive.
Maybe unlike me, he discovered that Blurt is controlled by one person thanks to a printed stake
You know sometimes getting the right product takes a few false starts. I still think the one the that goes viral defo defo won’t have downvotes, can you imagine? Even on YouTube they hid the downvotes let alone allowed people to take earnings off each other. It would never pass.
Could you please send him this link
Thank You
What would you like me to add to it that you would like to talk to him about doing this together?
Just invite him to read this post, we'll see if he is interested and what he thinks about it
Sure thing will do it tmrw
No he didn’t he just thought it has less development and I think on some level enjoys the plight of fighting for free speech on hive.
Oh noice!!!
Im no help with any of those though. . .
But here to support any other way.
Nice one bro. 💗
No matter what, ya coming to da VIP gal :-) That was my attempt at st talk lol.
LoL, i would have been offended if i wasnt the most VIP at your VIP 😅💗
Maybe you have some other roles for us? I can take photos and draw? Lol
Can you make a header, no not giving head you perv, a header. 😂
I would be careful with my words asking for roles from @ajerkoff 😅😂🤣
But yeah, can I be the madam, or something? 😅 (joking!)
Bend over, I like to look at feet, lol, No need for work permits from me, just wanting to get this place on a positive drive, a positive price increase too, as the children that run this place seem incapable, bless their offended cotton socks.
LoL, love ya bro! Lead the way!
Got to be done, we need some positive stuff going on, enough of the negative control freaks, they just drag people down with them, and megamouth is a lonely drunk, up to him :-)
Yeah I’m too naive 🤣
LOL, im just speaking of experience 😅😂🤣
Do you want to write it from scratch or use a pre-made Condenser?
Up to you, just tell me the costs, the advances or the drawbacks, a couple of us will fund it, or you can join the board of directors, which we do not have, I just want a free speech zone, and a place where anyone can say anything without so called adults telling them they cannot. You in brother?
Overall in my opinion there is no basic architecture on Blurt like the option to create accounts for free.
Generally what are the differences. If you use Condenser, the site looks like,, etc. So the same with slight modifications
Creating a new interface from scratch will allow you to create whatever you want. But it takes longer, is more difficult.
Name your price bro, let us go for new, nothing good comes from old, we need to make this place much better, get it rocking, make it a nice place to be, free accounts will come in time, investment after, educating people why too, what are you up for designing? Front end or apps?
Making a simple frontend is not a problem. The problem is making the frontend big.
Well - the basic rule is, the simpler the better.
For now, let us know who signed up. Maybe there will be a team that could do it by themselves. If not, we can think about creating something, only it will take a long time.
For now, put me on the list and let me know in a few days how many people have signed up :P
Deal done.
I don't quite understand how you can connect a Hive-Engine token to Blurt. Is it possible?
It depends on what we mean by integration. You can write a script that, for example, allows you to transfer a token to a Hive Engine account.
Of course, the whole system will not be decentralized, but that's mainly because Hive Engine is not.
So for example, you have 100 FerviToken. You want to send them, you send JSON, or a transaction from MEMO with the appropriate value. The script checks to see if you have 100 FerviTokens and so on, and if so, it makes a Hive Engine transaction.
Of course, hypothetically you could have your own token platform.
The perfect solution would be to integrate H-E Tribe with the Blurt blockchain. You would be able to vote with two tokens with one click.
It would be like POB, except that the Hive idiots couldn't destroy the token because there is no dv on Blurt
I could make it three tokens, TPY, VIP and blurt, if needed,
Yeah, your personal token could be distributed with an additional script as @fervi wrote
Now we need a developer or dev team to do this integration. I will donate, so no worries about the costs
It would be good if it had a useful tag that would take the content further, combining Hive/Tag/ TPY and blurt. It would be good if it had usability for regular people outside of the blockchain community, which is perpetually lacking....+
In addition to the TPY/HIVE pair, I would suggest a TPY/BLURT Diesel pool.
Ogólnie pomysł i rozwiązania są dobre...
Zastanawiam się, czy jeśli będzie to zintegrowane przez HE z blockchainem, to da mi to ten sam efekt jak z tagami? Powiedzmy, otwieram stronę i zaciągam wtyczkę, która wrzuca treść na blockchain hive, i przy odpowiednim tagu lodują na stronach treść?
To coś podobnego jak cros ferviego tylko tu mówię zewnętrzne dotarcie do blockchain ze stron WordPress. Wydaję się to bardziej potrzebne niż operowanie wewnętrzne po blockchainie, to dla ludzi co operują stronami itd. Wystarczy opcja jak strona POB z tagiem i reszta leci...
No nie wiem, problem z Hive jest taki ze będą downwotować i nigdy nie pozwolą by taki tribe się rozwinął. Pamiętaj że trajby mają swoje portfele, reward pool, gieldę, wszystko czego potrzebujemy by token poszybował na księyc ale to musi być zrobione na blockchainie bez dv
Sounds like you know what you are talking about. You have my full support.
I am thinking, maybe wrong, or maybe right, who knows, to do like pob or vyb, so it posts to blurt, pays blurt, pays also TPY and everyone wins, I made the TPY years ago and am willing to share them all for free, as they are of no use sitting on steemengine anyway. TPY transparency 12,674,008 $1,445,821.92
My tokens are on the steemengine, but I am willing to move the lot here TPY transparency 12,674,008 $1,445,821.92
GREAT tune.
And a tune for the current mood too... Outkast - Hey Ya!
I'm also checking to see if any Moralis Discord Dev's might be interested too...
The transparency and communication here is clearly on another level. I wonder if @frankbacon has seen this post yet. I can't believe I'm only seeing it now two days later. Well done, and hats off to you all!
Yep 👍
I was here to acknowledge this.
But we need a comms Channel open.
Who else has Whatsapp? I need to borrow it for a phone call or two , 🤬🥓
Me 0048729550751, any time you want brother.
Send me your number, will ring you bro.
sent to wallet...
What are the chances of some of these guys working on a GitHub Custom Front End on Turntable.FM ???
Since I've shown this to Mdrive & Tekraze already, and they both seem to like the idea and have put together a small development group to experiment, why not build one of OUR own too? It's ALL OPEN SOURCE... Each person that wants to be a CUSTOM HOST could be very easily... Also, everything I have put together is ZERO dollars out of pocket, ALL OPEN SOURCE...
Would not take much work to make an old GOAT like me look a little more GQ... 🖖
Cheers brother, even though the blurt founders are trying to accuse me, us of nefarious shit, not listening to them, end of, onward and upwards, in a positive fashion, they can keep talking to themselves lol.
@ajerkoff! You're a fucking genius! SOLD! I'll be there, and do all I can to encourage others to join as well. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Not sure about the genius part lol, but will run with it.
I re-read all the comments and discovered that your token is on Steem Engine, not on Hive Engine. In this situation, such a new interface is still useful because it would not display any warnings from "hivewatchers". It is not expensive, you need a VPS hosting and someone to install condenser. Fervi can write script for steem-engine token distribution
Another thing is that new interface probably should be run by a person who is an IT specialist, because this site might be exposed to hacking attacks.
The idea of creating a Hive Engine Tribe on Blurt may be very expensive and technically impossible
There is also the idea of hardfork but none of us can do that
I don't mind hive engine and I'm in the process of neutralization of HW 🤬👍
Steem engine bro, that is where my TPY is at, under shepz1, I am transparent, open, and inclusive in a non libtard way of semi inclusion, to me, we are all brothers and sisters, we just see life through our own eyes, and that is what life is all about.
Hi, I have no interest in a hardfork, I like watching the founder squirm more lol, we can do a token TPY drop with the right people, I have to state, I do not want any funds towards this, I am in a position where I can afford to do it, and then it stops the blurt faggots from accusing people of things they made up in their own minds.
We can piggy back a new front end, then make a new site after, just for fun.
It is amusing me watching the posts they make, like scared little children, they need to grow the fuck up.
I just left a new comment for the foundation's "spokesman"
I will talk to @fervi and if he is interested I will make a donation to rent a VPS so he can run new frontend
I am all in, but we need to make sure the faggots on blurt have no dirt to spread, so I will throw in my VIP site for free, and my TPY and they can go fuck themselves.
I wish you all the best on that one! 🍀
Got to be done, as I see things. A place for everyone, and for everyone a place.
Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp
I'm not a tech GUY but if there are other services i could offer..Such as promotions, social media handlers and others..I'm in for it..Hire me!! I'm ready to work
I think your stance on free speech might pose a problem.
They like free speech.
FREEDOM, or bust.
....with silverware !
With fucking trophies, one way or another got to get this place a positive drive, sick of complacency and yes men driving it into the ground.
Well i think it will Not
According to common rule of logic ,.. @ajerkoff might have little to no interest in someone standing with MD like you do , or one liking the way MD is oppressing free speech .
Your clearly stating that you have no clue about the rules of logic or what so ever true this comment .
Like a few days ago you where cheering and waving flags for Megadrive , while today you try to get freaky with ajerkoff by kissing up on his plan's ?
Did you see the faults in MD and his twisted vision's and out of pure self preservation run like a weasel to get in on the other narrative ? Well i don't care ,... just that i now have my answer you might have to my last question , .... you don't know the rules of logic at all ,.. ;-)
Now it could be that you truly saw the light now and have changed your mind on things ,.. if this is the case ,.. welcome to freedom , welcome to free speech . As i know people can change and i will support that anytime for a brighter and peaceful future . Damn , even MD can change for the better on his social view points , and i hope he does , as he has very good skills on the technical side of things .
And lol , your funny ,.. selling out your stance with MD like that . ;-)
Free speech is free speech rhis isn’t an I hate mega drive plan it’s a free speech one. Coca Cola doesn’t say I’m not working with any developers from sprite. If someone’s good at their job and wants to work on something and lend their skills what’s up with that? The point of this platform is free speech ... not only speech we like.
Your absolutely right , it isn't about hate towards anyone , it's about getting rid of the hate spread by MD true his own actions . I see no enemy's only oppressors and manipulators of free speech . Me not liking what they are believing or following does not make them enemy's to me .
Now me not following or liking their narratives , and speaking out by questioning it , and not making it my enemy by staying peaceful in my communication's will most of the time make them turn me in to their enemy , make them hate me , make them want me to disappear and be gone .
And be dam sure that if you come from the Sprite company that you won't have clearance to the secret recipe of Coca Cola on the first day of your new job . ;-)
Scroll down , see my comment on ajerkoff . I don't see a war and i for sure didn't start one . ;-)
You can be sure that in my last comment regarding the issue, i wanted blurt to be peaceful. I wasnt happy that the situation became tougher . We I dont hate anyone on blurt .I have the disposition to work and you can also suggest i get fired if i fail to do it.
Some people just don’t have a side they just get a job done. That’s not always such a bad thing. For example a developer who is skilled just develops. Rich developers might pick and choose products based on morale but in the early days they probably just do work offered etc. I agree tho you don’t give them the secret sauce in week one lol but that Applies to everyone more and more we see trust is earned not granted. This is why the only guy I ever worked for rly will employ me on any ongoing project he does. Can he find someome with tbe same skill level and better yeah sure but did I earn trust by always keeping things private and just being reliable and genuine ... yes. Trust is something that is earnt and once lost it takes a bit to get it back.
I am shocked to see what is coming out of the mouths of Jacob, megamouth, and the entire team, not sure my VIP will help these people, as they seem so insane they may be beyond help, like polis named ticians. I need to rethink.
I’m confused by Jacob I find a lot of his posts contradicting like one minute I’m like yeah he gets free speech then another post is like whaaat lol did I read that right. Tbh I’ve voiced my opinion and just now it becomes whinging if action isn’t taken to move forwards. Im starting to q how much time it is rly logically right to spend on these places lol
Rethink what lol? I thought vip was for the ppl please tell me your not going to start something new and change your mind lol 😬
This is why I’ve lost trust for mega drive because he’s covering up mistakes with lies. It’s better tonjust own your human and made a mistake or error in judgment like we all do and either step down or promise to try harder to uphold the values he himself set out on the home page. For me it was the trying to cover up that it was ever threatened wallets would be frozen that makes it worse than the original issues.
It's totally shameful if you ask me.
He is so far down his own fuckups, he will never admit them, psychopath springs to mind, and he refuses to talk to me, as he has no fucking answers to his bullshit.
I don’t mind picking apart actions but I’m not going to personally slander ppl but business decisions wise my mind is blown let’s put it that way.
Pft, You never gave me a blow job, so your words mean nothing 😂 you have to get a grip, most of the time I am just a prat and happy, it is just the way I am. lol
There is no war, there is a choice to be made, new front end minus idiots that seem hell bent on ruining their own token, or positive vibes, positive wins every time for me, there are no problems, only solutions, that is what we say in engineering as we make new shit, and make that shit better than before, new shit coming right up.
And you nailed it right there gal.
Thank you for understanding my dimension of things. I'm ready to work.
Well truth be told. I don't have an enemy. I wouldnt! We all have always wanted the good of blurt. But if you have to victimize me and refuse me a contract on the basis of expressing my own point of view then maybe i should be crucified for what you are preaching; namely "free speech". Also note that i support or disagree not to create enemies. We agree to disagree. Despite our disagreements we can still be friends right? Maybe i could offer a different opinion from yours all for the good of the course.
Just as i publicly defend megadrive, I would do same if need be. I'm ready to work and thats ok.
It is refreshing to see two opposing sides getting along, we need more of this, much more of it, you are hired.
Thank you for this. Be assured of services..I wil do my duties diligently
Did i ? or did i point out you doing it to yourself ?
I don't , just point out the contradiction between the contract and your past actions in expressing your opinion's . There seems to be some contradiction going on if we compare the two . Like the attack on free speech by MD and free speech being a main reason for the VIP plan's you applied to work for .
I am not refusing you that , i just question the logic . No reason to go crucify anyone , and it's all up to @ajerkoff to decide if he finds you fit for any contract's .
Anyways , enough of that ,.. welcome to freedom , welcome to free speech .
As it shows respect and backbone to keep the conversation going and as decent as you did .
Communication is the key to a peaceful world . I thank you for that .
I might learn that to one day . :-)
I do not know this person, so did not respond, you and @lucylin seem to have done a background check, in you 2 I trust and will leave it at that.
To be clear , not pointing out a enemy here , as i don't believe in enemy's just because they think differently . @amazingpolycarp is not a bad or evil person and will probably want a peaceful world as we all do , nothing wrong with that .
It's just not a person i would contract for your cause , seeing it's posting's on it's support for MD in the past few days . I think he didn't know about your view on megamouth ( megadrive) when posting this comment ,.. and we will probably never hear from polycrap again .
Had a comment reply session on his post some days back , it's all on the blockchain for all to see . Even a witness came out breaking mentally down in comment to lucylin , witch was perfectly answered by him in a long and telling comment .
Love your VIP thing and the people your getting involved in it , as i have more trust in
@mariuszkarowski @fervi and even @ctime ,.. getting @ura-soul in on this would be great to .
Anything better than some self proclaimed foundation desperately trying to hold on to their power by abusing their tech skills to dominate the realm to their authoritarian views and liking's .
And lol , did this post of yours , and the comment's section make the Blurt prize jump up a bit today ,.. or am i imagining things . ;-)
And damn , it is a sunny hot day again , after rain and thunder true the night .
Nice day mate , enjoy it .
I absolutely understand your point. But would also suggest you take a second look. You might just be crucifying me for the same cause we preach. I love free speech but i also love peace and dialogue.
Speak your truth, let no man or woman stop you.
This has always been my motivation. Maybe I should tell you a little about myself...I used to be in the seminary; to be trained for the Catholic priesthood for atleast seven years going through the rigorous training. I decided i wanted something else. Everyone around me was against it. To them becoming a priest was a sort of an achievement. For me it was NOT. My own parents even gave me threats of a life failure just to push me into becoming a priest. In Nigeria; the priesthood is understood as also a means of livelihood and some people would use it as an opportunity to get themselves and their families out of poverty; i didnt see it that way and i decided i was going to leave the seminary and finally i did. I would prefer to choose and go with my choice and be fulfilled than beg for "bread". Leaving the seminary has not been an easy thing with me. While some people see it as a misfortune, I see it as a deliberate choice and my greatest liberation from "bondage". Hiring me will giveme and everyone a greater perspective about myself and also a GREAT voice to many who are held bound by similar circumstances. Atleast i will be paid for working and not wait for some charity. Alot of people are eagerly waiting to see me fail because to them, leaving the seminary is a synonym to failure. For me it has become my greatest achievement and not even the certificates from Rome in Philosophy and the studies in theology. I am ready to work and promote your new project it is what i have always wanted my entire life; earn from working. Thank you for offering me this opportunity. We are just on our way to making history; "Let all me speak" and let no one stop them. Let all men choose and let no one stop them..
I am still doing the bikes bro.
I admit , i was wrong here ,.. but feel kind of good about that , as for real me being right makes me mostly sad these days .
I dont have to spank you for saying there hun!!🤣🤣🤣
I am feeling like I am the last of the builders, everyone seems to want to ruin things, smash walls, break things, I just want to build it better, life, bikes, fruit, everything, maybe I am wrong, but as Pink Floyd sang, I am becoming comfortably numb.
Shine on you crazy diamond ... ;-)
Quite true... You will definitely get to know me and also know that I can deliver on the job if i am offered one..
We can fit you in, everyone has a place, in what is to be a new pace, where all voices count, count you in.
I will always support more growth on blurt and sounds like an interesting project.
Cheers bro, got to get some positive vibes back on here, and get the price back up, regardless of the insanity of the alleged founders.
Sure :) its still blurt token right ? I’m down for some free speech I like these experiments keep the evolution moving.
Still blurt, with a bonus of TPY on top for free, at no cost to anyone but me.
Sure I am defo happy to give it a try, the eternal hunt for an actual free speech platform is still continuing. The holy grail lol How does it work tho do the posts still show on the main blurt platform? Excuse my ignorance here lol but they can still coal list etc? Like how does it all interact is it like on hive or totally different interfaces
"the holy grail lol How does it work tho do the posts still show on the main blurt platform?"
Yes it will, just like POB and VYB still post to hive, it will post to here, I just thought I would throw in some free TPY also as they are just sitting there for years, not getting used.
So how do the platforms interact as blurt still has to see all of them so they might as well just be on blurt lol
Nope, that is why I am introducing a new token, free from blurt, and nothing that happens on blurt will in anyway affect.effect VIP, as thinking a new chain will be born, one of freedom, give me a break, only just started this quest and you still owe me one sex session from last night, so I have that tucked under my belt, next to my other promise notes lol,
I mean for those of us who want free speech it’s good but the ppl on blurt will see the posts Anywyas so it won’t get rid of the free speech for them if that makes sense.
@lucylin also gets a honorary seat at the VIP table, as anyone persecuted gets a seat for free, and I gave him loads of TPY years ago, bet he still has them. we have good quality silverware at this table ?
Only 99% bro, so we may need to vaccinate some peasants, my name is Bill.
Indeed it does, I will welcome you to the VIP soon.
Definitely sounds like something worth doing, unfortunately I'm no good on tech stuff.
No worries brother, you get a seat at the VIP regardless :-) a week or two should see it up and running, no rush, right first time,
Awesome 😀
Do vote @Blurt.Live as your Witness
Posted from
Great, here a DevOps developer interested in belonging to the VIP team.
Come on the journey then.
@ajerkoff What are the chances of some of these guys working on a GitHub Custom Front End on Turntable.FM ???
Since I've shown this to Mdrive & Tekraze already, and they both seem to like the idea and have put together a small development group to experiment, why not build one of OUR own too? It's ALL OPEN SOURCE... Each person that wants to be a CUSTOM HOST could be very easily... Also, everything I have put together is ZERO dollars out of pocket, ALL OPEN SOURCE...
Why not Tokenize Turntable.FM?
Make it so bro, if you need some funding, I feel certain people will help.
It's been an amazing day for sure~! Got a response from @JasonSilva
on Twitter~! And then had 2 Big QE_nudges's today: First I just happen to bump into an @akirathedon video from 2 years ago prompting me to build a new Akira QE Dojo... and finding a bug in his links which starts a new friendship~! So he may endorse or participate... who Know's, who cares the ball is in motion... Thanks for your Thumbs-up~!
And then Dapp University gets pushed into my lap~! With his Live Workshop Tomorrow~! 🤬
Cheers, just delegated 20 BP to @ajerkoff and I hope it is helpful to you and others too. I am still new to Blurt and not sure how much Blurt I should Delegate and to who... I am slowly catching on.
Please let me know if there are any YouTube videos you know of that would be helpful to Newbie's like me who still have trouble with multiple wallets & blockchain platforms~!
I am hoping to put together an Onboarding for Dummies Channel on Turntabl.FM once we have some good quality teaching material to offer.
Feel free to visit our Training Dojo's at:
Turntable.FM #Crypto4Knowledge Training Dojo's
Welcome to the Live Training Dojo's
Learn, Earn Repeat...
Is the new 'Live Long & Prosper... 🖖'
with Free π! 🥧
Developed at Stanford Univ.
REMINT App: 🏘️ Earn up to 0.6 Remint/hr. Use Invite Code 13WNBBAH
🎵 🎧 TODAY'S DOJO: #ibor #blurt-network
Tip Me A Coffee
You earn 0.05 TMAC for each like on the posts of your referrals
"I am still new to Blurt and not sure how much Blurt I should Delegate"
Your comment is mostly spam, advertising, and self-promotion... and just so you know, delegating 20 BP is akin to temporarily loaning someone 15 cents. (You asked!)
Amusing though, bless lol.
Reminded me only slightly of "one meeeeeellion dollars!"
Matters not, money backed by nothing is worth? shine on bro, shine on
Why do you call ME a spammer~? Funny how the real Spammers just hit my posts too... interesting COMMUNITY
I got those spammers too... put them on mute. Best 0.1 BLURT I ever spent!
Come to an agreement, even if it is to agree to disagree, that is what life is about.
Good timing... Premier in progress now... (Low Res. High Res available in a few hours)
iBor 11 5
Talking Heads - Burning Down the House Scotty mar10 Published August 17, 2022
Who Poisoned Jerone & Austin? 🖖
#AskJordan or #AskAudra ??? You Decide...
I wonder if Clif High will answer...???
The Year I Graduated High School THE CLASH released - Know Your Rights... It was 1982...
I'm so confused............but am in.................I think
Then you are going to be a Vi mother fuckin P, lol. :-)
Nice, with an access all areas pass please :-)
Of course.
The mother fuckin VIP brother. Who sang that, Dr DRe?
Not sure. But there is room for millions of Front ends. That was the Original idea.
You don’t like something or someone’s Politics ? Build a new Front End.
It’s like Real life Splinterlands….
Blurt can splinter into a million shards of Light. If required.
Https:// in development.
Indeed, but going to offer extra tokens on my front end lol, come on, out do me, game on, competition is ace.

Yeah… I will need to add some incentives. Let me think about it.
I have a Cool Space ship built already …
And Solar panels.
Competition leads to growth
Keep at it, competition is healthy.
Buying some Bees too… 🐝 #hive-engine
We need a Blurt-Engine next.
I know you have a token but vip token is so much cooler!
We can sort that soon, nobody else is going to do it, so it comes down to us.
I wish you 1 million bumble bees for free, in your underpants 🤣
I’ll use them both :D it’s free speech so I can share the same material and see who’s I like after some time hah
I ain't no techie or have any clue on how this blockchain engine is supposed to run or work ,.. on the technical code side that is . So i am of no use for your plan's .
What i can do is be your critic ,..
when i see things i have questions about .
Like , why does Blurt have no market cap and is the total amount seemingly always growing ? .. like did i miss something ?
Damn nice weather today , no clouds no chem's ,. lovely day indeed . ;-)
No idea about why they keep endlessly printing, hence I set a cap on TPY 21 mill and no more.
Finally. That should be done a long time ago, when @ctime created this post : Which interface respects freedom of speech?.
In Russian, we say :
Лучше поздно чем никогда !
That means, it's better late than never !
And now it will be so, someone had to do it, that someone is me.
I mean it’s not that easy it takes some tech ppl who want on board.
And so it is and so it was, watch this space gal, red carpet awaits you.
Wow this is a great one here .. really wish I’m a tech and can really help with somethings 😩. But still, my dick head😁 still 100% up for VIP. I will love a free speech arena where we all have fun and don’t just get angry on little stuffs. I am 💯 in for the VIP. I will surely support in any little way that I can .
Oh shut up you fruit cake, only joking, come along for the ride.
😂😂😂really going to enjoy this ride I bet 💪💯💯
You sir are coming into the VIP and the vibe will be positive.
Sounds good, but i am hurt that you are mocking kiwi accents, we speak right, its aussies that cant say dick properly, they say deek
I take your offended and raise it by you being offended by our free loading leaches named royals, how dare you get insulted by people wanting a free ride in life, how very dare you, by the way, got any kids they can fiddle with> shhh we can not talk about this, it makes us victims lol
PEADO super star. The queen likes kiddy fiddlers.
I don't know why, but you reminded me of this video :
lol 😆
Let’s go on a ride
You got the seat belts? I got the rocket :-)
haha count me in on your ride maybe we dig your fields on the farm with the bikes one day ;)
And before I forget, if you and the new project needs a guy who held the strings together and steer the ship and if you don´t want to do it your self count me in for this also, I guess I have plenty of experience in these things from the last nearly 4 decades as CEO in several international Co´s, hehe just joking but hey maybe that´s what is lacking over there in BLURT actually a clear structure and one clear Message ;)
But we can welcome MR. in megadrivewedonttrust as well for a small fee, guess something arround 500k$ must be ok for him to join the party 😂🤣🤣
Lol your, hired, end of story, come along for the ride, we need good PR people, not dick tators.
;) Inever wa sone of those guys you mention but I got one in mind from Steem and hive who do so haha.
Yes if this thing will start this will need a lot of PR we had to think about getting some huge guys making promo fro this project too, lets see what some of them will say when we have some more in the hand.
I have given up on the idea, the blurt team are going to run this place into the ground, up to them. If you want the VIP I will give it you for free.
You need a logo ???
Not yet, not rushing it, want to do it right first time, not tenth time, measure 3 times, drill once, old saying, apt.
I would love to see it all in the famous @frot style .
If he just could get his mind of those damn tranny's for a while , and is willing to take the job , it would become original , epic and a bit purple . ;-)
It would probably end up looking like this but with more lipstick...
Perfect ,.. for lipstick is harder to remove as shit , i heard some wise man say ones .
Leave @petrapurple to me, she is mine I tells ya mine, only I can spank her, and spank her I shall, hmm, what next lol.
Hahahaha, i dont remember agreeing to be monogamous with you . . . Was i drunk when I signed those papers?!?!
Can't recall them claims. . .
Then just bend over, tis nice from the back lol, Well I like it that way, but not anal, I leave anal to megamouth lol.
U and mega?!?!? I knew it. . .
(Bit jelous though. . . )
LOL ,let me show you the truth behind my avatar , not what most see , but , nothing but grace and cuteness ,.. so ,.. you think you can tell , heaven from hell , blue sky's from pain ,..... ..... ..... ..... .... hard ashes for trees ,.... ..... same old fish bowl my fiend .

I can be friendly and have no critic while just having fun in the chat ,.. like , i don't have to burn everybody at ones for killing that friendly old lady at the fire stake long ago .
And then again , like you , some are to hard to burn down , no matter how hard i would try , and god ( or probably the long ago burned witch ) knows i have tried . ;-)
My words will be lost, so allow me to say it via music
Poland is a place i would like to visit one day , so who knows , we might meet one day for real within this lifetime and drink a beer on our freedom . :-)
P.S. @frot is a tranny. he likes dressing up as a lady, lipstick, dress and all.
You can make your own with a blank logo on picsart with text and stickers.
Not today, I want it right first time, no rush here. I wish you well, and the site.