The Coming #VanKushFamily Reality Extension to MetaVerse

in blurtutorial •  2 years ago 

We are creating the Van Kush Beauty Economy as all the Tech Companies try to figure out Blockchain.


If we look at how Facebook and some other services have reached into places where people can't afford Data, etc. This will be the best places to look at how this Works, if people don't have WiFi, your Coin could very easily be an entire reason to have a place for WiFi. When we get started with this, everyone needs to understand, we can't be doing this Fort thing, that's not how this is going to work. Everyone has to teach everyone how to do things, because we need the people to hold and Move our Coins. Your Money relies on personal economies.

When you look at YouTubers and Bloggers, they have to look at Ads, and Production Costs and the Value, etc. There is a whole Definition of like "For YouTube", your Holders should feel that way, not all of them, but you want leaders, Influencers, FB Groups, and Holders under them. A Token can run 1 group, but should span Social Media, and should have these people in it as it grows, and usually until now it's been Linux nerds. I bring the others. I promise you don't want to go from me, to being stuck with just those who have appeared on the Joe Rogan Podcast, that's why everyone is so excited in the first place, they already tried to outdo me for like 10 years now.

To understand what is next for Cryptocurrency and cut through the Confusion, we must look at the middle ground between Towns and Chat Groups, and we can do this by looking at the Modern Commune, which is Generally Hindu, Collectives, Coops, and Homesteaders, etc. then Towns.

Everyone will want everything from Casual Holders with no Understanding, to Mining Pools, Swaps, DEXs, etc. Distribution is Unprecedented really, it's always been to Coin users. There are several evidences that bringing people in raises value, you can see my own History and it's logical, 15 people sharing a Currency, is different than 100,000 with Caps on the Coin. No Coin has been hurt in value from me being there. There is FUD though, I can describe problems just as well as I can describe the Benefits, and everything good going on, and if we look at Steemit you can see that my ability to move things forward actually can overshadow bad Search results or Trash talking.

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