Rewards Programs will be the Future of BLURT

in blurtutorial •  2 years ago 


If we look at generally what BLURT is, how Graphene Works, and how Groups and Delegation Programs make it work better, we can start to put together our own Programs.

So first,
BLURT is a STEEM Clone with no SBD, SBD going up and down based on the amount of STEEM Rewarded in a Dollar, so low STEEM Rewards bring high SBD Values. BLURT does not have this, BLURT also doesn't have down Voting so we can't cancel out each other's Votes and have problems coming from that kind of what could be called Harassment, or Bullying, or just Deplatforming as it has been being defined. So Steemit Rewards people for holding more SP, BLURT rewards you for holding more BP. This can be put on Autopilot with Delegation Programs, so you can invest and let someone else Vote for you. This also then gets into Curation generally where you can Buy in, and Vote without having to Delegate to someone else, and the more you own the better.

Now is a good time to Buy BLURT, because at 1 Penny it will likely go way up in Value, it has 0 chance of staying below $0.02-$0.03 and will likely soon go up to match Steemit as more people join. If you Buy 100,000 BLURT at 1 Penny you may not be giving great Rewards, but when it's $0.10 you will be much happier. If you Buy 1,000,000 or 5,000,000 at a Penny, then it goes up, you are that much better off, and now you can basically have your own Corner of a Social Media website. If you look at @double-u you can see an example of this, then looking at @r2cornell shows you how Delegation works, but his program does not have Rewards. @tomoyan will pay you for your Delegation so it is like Autopilot, and you can request a Vote from him. @r2cornell will Vote on your posts if you make good posts.

If we look at Steemit and HIVE groups that helps everyone find each other, instead of just scrolling through the "New Posts" page. And we can see that STEEM-Engine Tokens, HIVE-Engine Tokens, and Bitcointalk or other Announcement and Community Threads bring the most value to Communities, apart from Delegation Programs. The Programs on Steemit are much more Advanced than BLURT, and HIVE more advanced than Steemit. We can see that Steemit is leaving a lot on the Table by not merging TRC20 into groups like @aggroed has. Basically, and we will be doing this under the Van Kush Banner, if I make a group called "TRC20 Announcements" on Steemit, or even on STEEM and HIVE, then I create a Script that Rewards all users of #TRC20 and have everyone in my Group start using the Hashtag and Connecting their Wallets to a Bot like this:

VKRW Airdrop

Then now I can have that Bot Rewarding everyone in our group. If we have more people copy us and join our Group and Hashtags, we all get TRC20 Airdrops. If we build a place for this, then we are like STEEM-Engine, if we build a DEX to autohost all of the Tokens, we are more like STEEM-Engine. We can also do this on BLURT, we can create something that works on all 3 Platforms this way, by using other Blockchains on these Blockchains, utilizing what they have to offer.

We then make Facebook groups and other groups, so then we can bring people in to the Rewards Programs. Witnesses should have Tokens, Businesses, Influencers, etc, etc. They should all be hosting Tokens, Rewarding people with them, Buying BLURT and STEEM for more Rewards. So then basically we reach out into all of Social Media, taking over MetaVerse, Rewarding people everywhere for using our Hashtags, or Retweeting, etc.

BLURT Outreach

Vote for our Witness

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This is excellent. I totally agree. Those thinking about size of rewards and interest today are being near sighted. Now is the time to Buy and build a good blog. Like you say at 10 cent blurt you will have yourself in a very nice position. Following and reposted.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Someone has Metrics, and when we can see 2022 BLURT Numbers, in Blog posts, together with everything building now, there will be a lot of excitement and the current BLURT holders will all see the coming Flood of new users.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

BLURT is the alert layer.
BLURT.Blog is one Blog layer.

You've satisfactorily identified why the other two chains are floundering... The trick is to use things properly.

THIS isn't a blog... It's identity and information aggregation. Use it's parts for a blog if you like, but there will be MANY other places those Parts will be used better. ...
Like wtf? Gimmy some damn email and direct messaging before you build ANOTHER fucking social shit layer ... Geeze!

And another hint... It's NOT meant for the masses... It's meant for the artists who identify ✌️😎🥓👍

Uploading image #NaN...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are already Messaging features and stuff like that on other chains, that's part of what I'm saying.

The same way BLURT has the Curator Bot where everyone can go get a Vote with !vote, and the PAL Network formed on Discord becoming STEEM-Engine, HIVE-Engine and HIVE, we can just look for a Blockchain that does Messaging, as well as use Bots like we have to Monetize Telegram. Then start talking about it here, telling people here to come join with us, post that to Facebook and tell those people to join us everywhere. And now we have a messaging service, and another Coin to use.

We will be Announcing CryptoNote Mining very soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@theocu should be checking this out soon.

You're Hired ✊😎🥓👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Beyond excited 😎🥓

This article marks a Trifecta I was trying to reach the other day with an important interview... I was asked to join a Telegram group by a fan. I wish ed for the ability to explain to my fan that I was already a Telegram Channel...

Now this ART tickle makes cents 🍔🍟🥧


Enjoyed the video. There is certainly an awakening happening to one extent or another, that is for sure...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are looking for Devs to work on the UI for this if you know any

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It seems like Hive and Steemit have a lot of fun with TRC20 tokens added to the blockchain. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be done. Having side tokens like this may also provide communities with slightly differing opinions find a way to reward like minded people within the Blurt ecosystem.

What I don't like is telegram. I'd rather not deal with telegram to get an airdrop of VKR. Also when I look at the abbreviation it makes me think of Korean Won.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We will have several other Tokens,
And I don't think the KR, Kr association in the mind is so bad, we have a highly distributed STEEM-Engine Token in Korea and we will make a TRC20 Bridge, so maybe national pride will bring some purchases.

Plus, Marijuana is the Healing of a Nation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Mr Yoon could definitely use some healing

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I’m just buying Blurt, Dtube and Bitcoin on every dip….. Why do we need any other Cryptos ?
I find it very difficult to track the prices on just these 3 tokens.

Just stake your Steem, Hive, TRON etc to earn 12% …. Or delegate to @justyy to earn much more.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Some people don't have Cryptocurrency, or Money to Invest in it, or the ability to Mine or otherwise break into Markets,

There are about 7,000,000,000 people not using Cryptocurrency, and if we start bringing them in, then there will be a lot more value. That doesn't just work for BLURT, that's how it works, until everyone is using Cryptocurrency and blocktimes are slowed for Interplanetary Transaction. And things like Blocks, which are now in some ways used by IBM and others to represent Diamonds, Fish, etc. And this is expanded into Finances, and Keys are made in this way, etc. But that's the Future, I'm saying we still have to bring people in.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are looking for Devs to work on the UI for this if you know any

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are looking for Devs to work on the UI for this if you know any

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'll ask @chrisrice


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok, the more people we can get to start to understand and reach out to other people, the faster we can get it all moving.