Jesus and the Gods

in blurtutorial •  2 years ago 

There are a lot of people who are in to Seizing the Day, Carpe Diem, and sure, Seize a few Days, do that occassionally or when you need to, but at some point you have to let go. And if you go listen to people really talk about God working, it's about Fate. When you let go. When I let go my Brain kinda bubbles things to the Top, and this isn't normal but this shows us the Halo Chakra, and there are many aspects I will get in to. The Chakras actually aren't just in your Body, you can see the Chakras, and the Spine, the Nervous System, the Organ Systems and have an understanding of the Ancient System, found and Mapped by Dissecting Bodies; but the Halo Chakra is outside of the Body, above and over the Head, connected to the rest of the System. When you just let go, and let Fate start showing you things, it's actually there; when you decide to completely give up and let a Random Bible Verse show you a way by throwing a Metaphotical Dart in the Bible, Fate will give you a Verse. This works with Words, Internet, TV, other things, but you almost have to be looking for Signs, not actually paying attention to what is there, you have to have given up to Fate, and accept that God is working through everything, Gods, Angels, the Dead, trying to Speak to us, in various forms, seeing everything that happened, and is happening, trying to bring us together like Bees.

Jesus made Peter the Pope and told James the World was made for him, making him Steward after the Death of Jesus, hence the King James Bible, etc, there have really been attempts to make what Jesus said, work. No matter how much it may be Corrupted and have Sinful people involved and whatnot, there have been a lot of people doing a lot of things over the past 2,000 years that a lot of people don't recognize, and maybe they didn't even know they were doing. Jesus went to Hell to get the Keys, and Locked away the Gods for a While.

But now, with Archaeology, and the Ability to not make that racist while still providing Racial Information, e.g. Melanin should be Understood by those who have a lot of it. We are now in a place Historically where we can look at the Bible, a 2,000 year old Book, and see that when they were giving in to Fate, and God, they were doing it the way Jesus was meant to show us, "Watch me Die, Worship that, I'll show you how I'm still on the other side", but that he Ancient Egyptians and Cananites were doing this also, just giving in to Fate, and it happened over and over where we give in to Fate, the Natural Forces, and God's, not just in us, but in Nature, in the Universe, the Gods as a whole, not just the Gods in us. The best way to describe this is "Yes, Zeus is a Sexual Energy and like a Chakra, Jupiter is this, and it is a Geneaology, Zeus coming from the Minoan Islands, protected by Rhea, Zeus is Osiris this is like the story of Osiris Penis and Byblos," but ultimately the best way to then make that connect for everyone, is to say, "It's that Planet". So then as Society and Individuals, we can Dissociate this from ourselves, and actually tie in Modern Science, and Gravity, and the Calculations of the Planets' Days, etc. Because what this whole thing is about, is what we call Gravity right now, we just haven't been understanding it correctly, and I'm like Isaac Newton in that way. The Sojourns as mentioned by Edgar Cayce are a good place to start understanding.


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