My Participation for Plagiarism Contest

in blurttribe •  3 years ago 

Citation needed

hello my fellow blurtians it's a great pleasure participating in this contest and am very excited to be a part of it. As a content writer is very important and adviceable to know about plagiarism because it's one of the major thing that every reader will look out for to know if he or she has come across the content anywhere. It is also one of the major problem in our society.


I will say plagiarism is an act of copying someone else's work presenting it to be yours. It is a fraudulent act where a replica of someone's idea or content is presented without a proper citation or presenting wrong information about the quotation source.

Plagiarism is an illegal offense which attracts a penalty or purnishment. The copyright can be sued in a Federal court for violation which is punishable by fine payment or short time imprisonment.


Plagiarism is mainly common in our schools and it usually caused by;

  1. Laziness - Most students are very lazy towards academic works. They find it very difficult to read or prepare for their exams and this will end up in copying their fellow students in an exam or academic work presenting to be his or her own thereby making two or more works have same contents or having replica of same work by several students

  2. Lack of Knowledge - This happens when a particular students refuse to attend class,focus or pay attention while in class or probably do not understand a particular content and refuse to ask someone who knows more better to learn. He/she will end up writing exactly his fellow student's work it's also applicable to a content writer who doesn't have a proper knowledge of someone's work he/she will end up presenting a replica of that particular work without paraphrasing or giving a proper citation of the work.

  3. Fear of failing - So many students or content writers do not believe in their self,they feel They can't do a particular work or write up,they think their work won't be accepted or probably prohibited because they didn't do the right thing. No,it is very wrong there is no harm in trying it is better to try,write the little u know,be corrected so u can know ur mistakes than having a copy and paste of someone's work thinking he or she knows more better than you.


There are so many types of plagiarism but I talk about few of them;

  1. DIRECT PLAGIARISM - Direct plagiarism involves copying of word to word of a particular content without a proper reference or paraphrasing. It is easily detected due to its verbatim and it is usually common in academic works.

  2. DELIBERATE PLAGIARISM - This type of plagiarism involves stealing of someone's contents or ideas without his or her consent with the aim of presenting it as yours to get a reward or remark. It can also include publishing someone's work before the main author so as to get a reward before the initial author's publishement.This type of plagiarism is a high level of offense because it is an intentional act.

  3. MOSAIC PLAGIARISM - This involves restating of a particular work or the use of synonyms in order make the work look real and presentable. The plagiarist restates a particular work without a proper citation, reference or paraphrase. It is usually caused by gathering several information from different sources.

Ways of Avoiding plagiarism

There are so many ways of avoiding plagiarism, below are few of them;

  1. Making use of correct and proper citations
  2. Paraphrasing
  3. Making use of online tools to scrutinize your contents before publishing
  4. Proper use of quotations
  5. Acquiring proper knowledge of a particular work or content before writing about it

How To Check Plagiarism

The term plagiarism is a factor that has destroyed many author's reputation. These is because of the reason I have mentioned above. But as a n author,you can always check your content before publishing it.

Citation needed

Much thanks to technology, it is now clear that you can actually scrutinize your content before publishing it. This can be done with any of the following tool.

The above tools are used to scan plagiarism. So it is highly recommended you make use of these tool to be free from plagiarism. Remember, an author that indulges in plagiarism has a penalty to keep, so carefully check your content before publishing it. Thank you for reading my article again.

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