recognizing your life properly

in blurttribe •  last year 



Living in a world that is constantly telling us how to act, how to look, and how to think can be overwhelming. It's easy to fall into the trap of people-pleasing to fit in or be liked by others. However, constantly trying to please others can be exhausting and detrimental to our mental health.


Being a people-pleaser is not always easy to recognize. It often feels like you are just being nice or accommodating to others. However, there are some tell-tale signs that you are putting others' needs before your own and sacrificing your authenticity in the process.

One sign is that you are constantly saying "yes" to requests or demands from others, even when it's inconvenient or goes against your desires. You may also find yourself avoiding conflict or confrontation, even when you know it's necessary to stand up for yourself or your beliefs.


Another sign is that you may feel drained or resentful after spending time with certain people or in certain situations. This could be because you are not being true to yourself and are instead trying to fit into a mold that others have set for you.

Pay attention to your feelings and your physical reactions in different situations. If you find yourself feeling anxious or uncomfortable, it may be a sign that you are not being true to yourself and are instead trying to please others. By recognizing these signs, you can start to take steps towards being more authentic to yourself.

In conclusion, you must understand that sometimes, you just have to be controversial.

Take care of your mental health.

Be responsible!.

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