Think big, dream big by @ritanenye

in blurttribe •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone, it's a good time for you to start thinking and dreaming big this new year because you don't need to settle for better when best is attainable.


I bring to you this words that can change you from an ordinary to an extraordinary individual that you are the way you think, think big dream big. Your thoughts are powerful. Put in more power to your thoughts while you think bigger and if you add positive action towards it,you will definitely go far. When you begin to dream big dreams, your level of self-esteem and self-confidence will increase immediately.

One of the scholar that I can attest to from his big dreams is the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon who was the first to separate siamese twins Dr. Ben Carson.
Ben Carson whose life we have seen and will be the best advice to anyone transformed his own life from that of being a ghetto kid with problems in school to be a famous personality in the world. He recommend his personal formula for success of not allowing his poor background restrict him to greater heights by thinking big, dreaming big and acting big.

Of course, thinking big comes from;

Expanding your thinking through reading
learn how to read good books that can widen your horizon. Reading increases sense of reasoning and makes one enlightened.

Enlarging your dreams by networking with other successful people
Networking here entails communication and interaction. Networking with other successful people can help you think and dream big.

Eliminating limitations
Limitations always comes with the word "I can't do it". You can do it, you can attain your dreams if only you eliminate limitations.

Thinking long-term.
When I say think long-term it only works on realistic dreams not on utopian world of fantasy. Think of dreams that are achievable and attainable.

Thanks everyone who made out time to read through my post. I feel honored.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Please 🙏 I am very sorry, I'm a new comer here. I didn't use Plagiarism checker to verify the authenticity of the post. I just did the correction and l am pleading for your consideration.l will be very greatful if my apology is accepted.

Apology accepted.

Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
Sir, please help me, the comment of Plagiarism commented on this post "@ctime take note"is really affecting me, I have made two posts without upvote from @ctime. I am pleading for your kind reconsideration on my account, I wasn't aware because I am a newcomer. I promise to always check my Content for Plagiarism before posting. Thanks for your time.

I think you should make a post of apology tag ctime and the blurt team. This will help.