in blurttribe •  2 years ago 
Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well?

I am going to be writing on a topic that "you are bound to do mistakes"


Mistakes are part of life, trying and failing is also a phenomenon that is bound to happen. Mistake therefore is an error which can occur intentionally or unintentionally, nevertheless it doesn't imply failure. Sometimes mistakes instigates more hardwork and helps in re-strategizing the process hence always be of good faith that successive trials of a given pursuit subdues suspectible mistakes in as much as good workable plans are followed.

When you think of stopping because of mistakes do the following;

  • Take a break and do things that will make you happy
  • Think of other steps to follow to tackle the mistakes
  • Seek advice from people who had similar error but overcome them
  • Speak positively and
  • Try again

Life itself is uncertain, so are our endeavors, we are risk takers and that should be a source of hope to anyone who thinks mistake is a sign of failure, do not lie where you fall if you must succeed. Mistakes are proof that you are trying don't give up on yourself, it is better to try than to keep wishing you did.

Keep in mind one thing, potential of your endeavors succeeding or failing lies in your hands with that mindset you can make corrections to your mistakes. Many renowned inventors who invented many facilities that helped human in living comfortable lives had the mindset of giving up but they never did sequel to that their names were printed in the sand of time, be encouraged with this and try one more time.

~thanks for your time, I really appreciate~

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