in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone, hope you're all are doing well?

Today I will be writing on an inspiring words but a reality that Impossibility does not exist

Impossibility is neither a dare not a fact rather an individual view of something. Every aspiration or desire, dreams of yours is very much possible to achieve required that you kick start with the appropriate and necesaary actions, your goals in life worths taking a step not minding that they might look absurd and difficult to achieve. For all your vision to be achieved you just need to eliminate limitations, associate with like minds and read the necessary books then eradicate procastination.


Impossibility only exist when;

  • You refuse to give that adventure a try
  • You have negative mindset towards that adventure
  • You try and does not get it, then you stop trying
  • You give up

I am of the view that anything worth doing, have potential of being successful, you will attain to your goals and no good workable dreams is not achievable. Develop yourself by acquiring the necessary skills pertaining to your dreams and aspiration, get the practical aspect of your career if your dreams must be possible. Equip yourself with the proper books, read versatile. Always re-strategies by using different method if the first does not work, know that your dreams are possible If your try different strategy. When the first fails change the procedure and process. Trust me those dreams is still possible to achieve.

A word of inspiration from Muhammad Ali

When someone tells you that what you want is impossible to attain, remember the sayer.
When someone says those words to me “that’s impossible,” I just smirk and say“Yeah, it’s impossible for you, you who has already declared it so, but not for me.”
No, for me, my dreams are very possible. Yeah, they might be absurd, untried, unproven, untested, and extreme difficult to accomplish, but they’re not impossible. And when I do achieve them, they shall be that much more sweeter. by Muhammad Ali

~ I appreciate everyone that will read this content, know that your dreams are possible~

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