in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

Hello every one, hope you all are doing great?
I will be writing on how to deal with low self-esteem.


Low self-esteem can be defined as the opinion when an individual is not satisfied and happy with his/her state of being. To break it down to simple terms I will say that it's when one sees his/herself less important as compared to others.

Low self-esteem has sprout a lot of suicidal thoughts which leads to suicidal actions in the society. Most people got depressed as a result of low self-esteem and commit suicide to end their lives and this is not good. What one should know is that competing with someone is not good though competition is a characteristic which we humans must protray if we must go far in life.

There are reasons that can make one have low self-esteem.

  • When one believe that others are doing better than them materially, financially, academically, socially and otherwise.
  • When one is not contented with the way he/she is.

For the above mentioned reasons, self-esteem is conceived in the mind.
Nobody is actually better than anyone in this life because everyone has a purpose of existence, this you don't need to have what others have to feel among. In my own opinion, what others think about you shouldn't be your concern but the question is what do you think about yourself ? always imagine yourself as the best and do away with the mindset that you can't do what others are doing. Learn how to create your own happiness and know you're a hero.


  • Always do what you can do best
  • Be in control of any negative thoughts/mindset
  • Spend time with people that encourages and inspire you
  • Spend time to do things that will make you feel better and good

Always do what you can do best: There must be something you are very good at doing, example reading, researching, football, playing golf etc why not exploit it and get rid of been unsatisfied. Utilise your potentials and be the best at it, in turn you will feel good of yourself.

Be in control of any negative thoughts/ mindset: Negative thoughts are normal for every human being but your ability to deal with it is what matters. Whenever the thought or feeling of inferiority comes into your mind, remind yourself that in you're unique in your own way, and the best of your kind!

Spend time with people that encourages and inspires you. Everybody must not make you feel good, choose to be with people that sees the best in you and encourages you to do better. Stay close to people who will bring out the best in you.

Spend time to do things that will make you feel better and good: If l may ask, what is that thing you can do to stay happy? Always do something that will make you feel good of yourself and be satisfied with it. If you don't have any, please look for something that will make you feel good of yourself.


Always know that you are not competing with anyone, be yourself and see things working for you. Whatever you think will always reflect in your actions do away will things that makes you feel you're not enough and know that when you're not happy, every part of your body will not be happy. You will become emotionally, socially and mentally trumatized.

~Thank you for your time~

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