Two Masterpiece Movie Scores/Soundtracks

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

Pixabay via Pexels

One thing that adds beauty, evokes emotions and memories to films are the scores or soundtracks. Music has a way of increasing the storytelling power of a movie by bringing to life the characters and scenes, making it easy for the audience to digest.

When I watch movies, I pay particular attention to the soundtracks. There's nothing like an epic soundtrack to transport a viewer to another time or reality, or bring an audience to tears, or powerfully complement a narrative so well that a movie simply cannot exist without the music.

These are my two favourite scores/soundtracks from classic movies.

Now We Are Free By Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard in Gladiator (2000)

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next!" source

These were the powerful words uttered by Maximus (excellently played by Russell Crowe), Commander of the Armies of the North as he fought with his betrayer and enemy, Commodus (played by Joaquin Phoenix) in this epic historical drama.

This masterpiece soundtrack by Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard starts to play as the battle was won and Maximus was dying from his wounds. I couldn't help the tears that streaked down my face as I watched this brave man fight to the death for his freedom, his convictions, his emperor and against injustice.

Source: YouTube

The Colosseum fight scene was touching and heartbreaking as Maximus, having defeated his enemy, took his last breaths as the afterlife comprising his murdered son and wife called out to him. Maximus stretched out his hands to freedom, to a land where he would finally be at peace with his loved ones.

The beat and sweet melancholic tunes of the orchestra bring to life the poignant scene in this film. Most viewers couldn't help shedding a few tears, yours truly included! Hats off to renowned composer Hans Zimmer, for this amazing classical piece that makes hearts bleed everytime people hear and watch Gladiator alongside. No wonder the album won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.

Hans Zimmer also composed soundtracks of some other classics like The Lion King, The Dark Knight Rises, Pirates of the Caribbean among others. This German composer is legendary!

Game of Thrones Main Title Theme By Ramin Djawadi

Source: YouTube

Another masterpiece movie score is the opening theme of the popular fantasy series, Game Of Thrones (2011-2019) which was written and composed by Ramin Djawadi. The series creators made a brilliant choice approaching Ramin Djawadi to make this indelible score that will live on for many years after the series, prequels and sequels, are finished.

The length of the soundtrack is one minutes, forty six seconds in which cello was the main musical instrument used together with few violins and tuba which gave this score a distinctive sound from other popular fantasy films like Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings.

When listening to this soundtrack with my eyes closed as I taste the melodies and try to identify the musical instruments used, I love the rich depth the composer lends to the change of melody somewhere in the middle of the song. I don't know how best to describe it but the sound of the cellos in harmony with the tubas gave this dark and deep sense to the score. It's beautiful and evocative.

Ramin Djawadi was outstanding in his composition of this indelible masterpiece that played a major part in making the series a popular one. I also adore the versions played by the Film Symphony Orchestra directed by Constantino Martinez-Ortis and popular artist, 2Cellos.

Source: YouTube

These two are my favourite and memorable film scores and they are classics! What is your favourite movie soundtrack?

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