My diary post|30th of May 2022|by @jay-one

in blurttribe •  2 years ago  (edited)

Today I will be writing about my diary for 30th of may 2022 hosted by @blurttribe and @merit.ahama

I am now back in school and Monday been the first day of the week I had to go to class by 9am for biology which lasted for 2hrs and I also had chemistry class by 11am- 12pm.







After my class I went to the cafeteria to get my lunch in the afternoon and returned back to my hotel since I wasn't having any other lecture for the day.

I slept for about 2 hours because I was very tired then I woke up took my bath,brushed my teeth and went to get my dinner at the school eatery by 8pm and returned back to my hostel.

Thanks for reading.

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