What Happens At 10

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

The day started peacefully, with a cup of coffee in my hand. We just got into a new house, and for some reasons I don't like this house at all.

" It has so many rooms; what do we need all those rooms for? It has so many secret corners; probably where an assassin could hide and wait to kill you. There's no network reception on my phone; I can't reply my messages on social media ... "

"Enough Already Sandra, I'm sure you have a thousand reasons for not liking the house. If you have any complaint take them to mum or dad, let me be please, I need all the concentration to beat this level! "

That was me lamenting to my elder brother James, who doesn't really Care about anything but his silly video games. Of course I couldn't go to dad and lay my complaints, I have told my mum a thousand times already and she always has the same reply.

" We haven't been here up to a month, with time the place will grow on you and you will definitely love the place. "

Honestly, I don't see this house growing on me!

"Sandra, I'm going to my friend's house, He asked me to come help him test his new games. "

"What friend James? We just got to this neighborhood and you already have friends. Be careful bro, you know nothing about these people. "

"Yeah whatever Sis. See you later."

"Wait, what do you expect me to do in this big house all alone?"

"That's not my problem, do whatever it is you do all day, take pictures, make up, wash your face, and make up again"

I could still hear him laughing as he walked down the lawn.

It was 6pm and it was getting a bit dark. Mum won't be back till at least 8pm. Dad won't be back from work till 11pm, and if I know my brother very well, he won't be back today.

Out of boredom, i decided to explore the house. With my heart beating hard I walked down the hallway, One door at a time. Most of the rooms were empty, quite clean but still looked creepy.

Then I got to the seventh door, the door was locked, that was unusual. Why should this door be locked, I felt curiosity creep over me. I have to find out why this door is locked. Watching so many movies have taught me a thing or two about picking locks, so I managed to unlock the door.

The door creaked open with a creepy sound. And the atmosphere in the room Oozed with an odor I have never perceived before. I could here a voice in my head telling me to turn back and go back upstairs. But my curiosity got the better of me.

The room was like an ancient palace, I could see thrones and round tables, all occupied by spiders and so many insects.

I was half way into the room, suddenly the door closed with a big bang. That must have been the air, i said to myself as I continued my journey towards the throne. I wanted to explore the sword that lay on the throne.

As I picked up the sword, all of a sudden black birds from nowhere started flying in circles above the room, I could hear trees rumbling and unclear voices whispering.

I took to my heels, ran to the door but the door refused to open. With the sword in my hand, I charged for battle. Honestly I was ready to slice anybody that came towards me into two.

Then someone came walking towards me very slowly, with it's ragged cloths and overgrown gray hairs, i couldn't tell if it was a male or female.


It stopped half way, pointed at the sword and said with a cracked voice;

" For ages, We have waited for someone to pick up the sword and begin the ritual. In 3 hours from now it will all be complete"

With A ghostly laugh, it slowly started to fade away.

3 hours from now would be 10pm, I said to myself.

"Come back here you demon from hell"

I charged towards it but it was nowhere to be found.

"What happens at 10!!!!!.... What Happens At 10???!!!"

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