in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

As I was scrolling through the blurt feed, I saw a post by @endplagiarism which was actually a contest. The aim of the contest is to tell people of the importance and need to power up. I love contests like this because it gives me an idea of what to write, honestly sometimes coming up with a topic to write about can be tiring.

Some people might be saying, he is a newbie on blurt, what does he probably know about power up. Well I might be new on blurt, but I am no newbie in blogging and I pretty much understand how the system works. I am so excited about the coming power up day, which is in a few weeks time. Unfortunately I don't stand a chance for the #BPUD rewards because i do not meet the requirements of having 500Bp. I decided i might as well give the #NeedForPowerUp contest a shot.



Now let's get down to it. Here are my thoughts on why you should set a reminder on the blurt power up day and endeavor not to miss it. It's about 6 days from today


As the name implies, POWER UP. It is quite self explanatory, you power up to get more power. Let's look at it from a different angle. I believe some of you here are gamers, now at some point in certain games you have to power up or level up. Now what happens when you power up, you become more powerful and you probably have new abilities and acquire new stunts. That is exactly what happens in this case. When you power up, you become more powerful in the sense that you have more blurt power, which gives you an opportunity to reward posts with a higher amount of blurt and your curation reward increases as well. That's a two way benefit right here, It benefits your friends and benefits you as well and I'm pretty sure it benefits the entire platform.


I like to see power up as a way to save my assets. How so? It is exactly the same reason why I'd rather have my money in the bank, than to have cash at hand. I don't know about you, but whenever I have cash at hand, I get this stupid feeling to buy every single thing I come across, I'll be tempted to satisfy all my cravings. I'll end up spending the money on things I can actually do without. If that money was in the bank, thinking about the process of turning the money to liquid cash would definitely quench any unnecessary craving that comes up. Same thing applies to blurt and blurt power. When you have liquid blurt, you can easily trade your blurt and make certain expenses that could be avoided. Powering up your blurt into blurt power saves you from these avoidable expenses, considering the amount of time required to power down.


The same way you power up to save your assets, it can also be an opportunity for investment. Knowing very well that the price of cryptos can rise and fall at any time, depending on certain circumstances. Now if you power up a certain amount of blurt over a certain period of time, When the price of blurt rises, the value of your blurt power increases as well, leaving you in profit when you power down.


I'm sure you have heard of the saying "Givers never lack." That is exactly the case on the platform. Like I explained earlier, powering up makes your votes a higher value, therefore making it possible for you to give out more to your friends and to those you enjoy their posts. The beauty of the platform is that you don't need to go around begging for upvotes. This is because the platform has been designed in a way that both the curator and the author gets rewarded on every post. Hence the more you give, the more blurt you power up, the more you curate, the more you get.

I believe by now you must have understood the meaning and advantages of powering up. Some newbies might actually have an idea of what powering up means, but might not know how to actually power up. Now here's a little tutorial on how to power up. *Advisably, power up on blurt power up day which is

Step+1 Go to your wallet

Step+2 Click the tiny arrow next to your Blurt balance.

Step+3 When You Click The Arrow, three options pops up ..Transfer, Transfer To savings, power up.

Step+3 Select Power Up, you will be redirected to a page where you are asked to enter your password.

Step+4 Enter your password to confirm the transaction and you are good to go.

This Is My Entry For #TheNeedToPowerUp. A contest hosted by @endplagiarism. Click HERE To Join.

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